The impact of metals and their fate towards microalgae

The Chair is looking to evaluate the impact of metals and their fate towards microalgae.
The objective of this project is to evaluate how the natural organic compounds, including DOM, influence metals fate and speciation as well as their impact towards microalgae. DOM plays important roles in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems especially through their ability to bind to metals. The current global climate change affects DOM concentration and composition which could also leads to a modification of metal speciation in natural waters.
Within the chair, we develop methodologies for the preconcentration, the extraction and both the elementary analysis (ICP-MS) and the molecular analysis (FT-ICR/MS) of metals complexes contained in effluents obtained from artificial rivers.
Dates: project started in 2020
Members from iCMCE² team
- Ryan P. Rodgers (iCMCE² Chair Leader)
- Brice Bouyssiere (Professor at UPPA – UPPA/iCMCE² Coordinator)
- Pierre Giusti (CNRS Research Director – Manager of the molecular identification and separation laboratory at TRTG, Total - Total/iCMCE² Coordinator)
- Deisy Giraldo-Davila (iCMCE² PhD student)
- Julie Guillemant (iCMCE² Postdoctoral researcher)
In collaboration with
- Séverine Le Faucheur (ECOTOX Chair Leader, Associate professor, UPPA)
- Maïté Bueno (Associate Professor, UPPA)
- Sandra Mounicou (CNRS Researcher, IPREM)
- Martha Chacon-Patiño (Faculty researcher, FSU-MagLab)
- IPREM, UMR 5254, Pau, France
- Total EP, PERL, Lacq, France
- Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA