ICOME'18 International Conference on Materials & Energy
From 30 Apr to 4 May 2018

ICOME’18 is a meeting dedicated to cutting edge research that addresses scientific needs of academic researchers, industrial and professionals to explore new horizons of knowledge on various topics in interlink between materials and energy applications fields. The conference will host a symposium dedicated to Eco material and sustainable construction.
ISOBAYXVI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay
From 5 Jun to 7 Jun 2018

The XVIth International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY ) will be held in Anglet from June 5 to June 7, 2018.It will take place at front of the sea, at the "Espace de l'Océan de la Chambre d’Amour", in Anglet.The main goal of this biennal symposium is to present scientific most updated works related to the Bay of Biscay, from open ocean till its coastal zone, and its transitional waters between the land and the sea (estuaries, lagoons, deltas and rias). This common focus alllows however presentations in a wide range of disciplins/topics and so ISOBAY can be viewed as a multidisciplinary symposium. Each scientific work may concern one point of the following graph about topics including in one node or interaction betwenn two or more nodes :such as : Physical Oceanography Climate-ocean relations Geology, erosion, transport and sedimentation Biogeochemical cycles Biodiversity, ecosystem structure and functioning Fisheries and Aquaculture Anthropogenic effects, quality assessment and ecosystem managementThis symposium aims at favouring discussions between scientists from different disciplines and promoting significant contribution towards an integrated knowledge of the Bay of Biscay. ISOBAY 16 is an excellent opportunity to meet and network with many other researchers interested in the study of the Bay of Biscay, both for early career researchers, as well as for established scientists. Do not forget also to enjoy the beautiful countryside: Basque coast, part of the Silver coast and Adour borders !!!
EWLA 14th European Workshop on Laser Ablation
From 26 Jun to 29 Jun 2018

The European Workshop on Laser Ablation (EWLA) is a key meeting for academic and industrial people using laser ablation techniques for trace metal and isotopic analysis. This biennial event is always a fantastic opportunity for research scientists, engineers, technicians and students to exchange ideas about recent fundamental concepts, instrumental developments and applications.