EWCPS 2019European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
From 3 Feb to 8 Feb 2019

EWCPS 2019 is the 18th in a series of European biennial meetings featuring developments in chemical analysis employing electrical discharge sources known as “plasma spectrochemistry”. It explores the most recent applications, developments, fundamentals, and research achieved with analytical plasma sources including glow discharges, inductively coupled plasmas, laser sources, and microwave discharges for elemental trace and ultra-trace, stable isotope, and elemental speciation analyses. The attendance usually exceeds 500 international scientists. The scientific programme is accompanied by an exhibition with the participation of more than 40 instrumental manufacturers. It is the third time that the meeting is chaired by IPREM members (the 8th EWCPS was organized in 1999 by Olivier Donard in Pau and the 15th EWCPS was organized in 2013 by Joanna Szpunar in Cracow).
ISM 20197th International Symposium on Metallomics
From 30 Jun to 3 Jul 2019

Metallomics is an interdisciplinary concept related to the probing of interactions and functional connections of metal ions and their species with genes, proteins, metabolites and other biomolecules in biological systems. Metallomics owes its genesis to the seeds planted in atomic spectrometry just as much as it does to the awareness that the “omics” revolution brought to analytical chemistry in general. Since the term metallomics was coined in 2004, the field embraced many disciplines beyond analytical chemistry, such as biology, biochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, toxicology and biomedical sciences addressing the role of metals in life sciences. The international symposia on metallomics (ISM) are organised biennially since 2007 (Nagoya, Japan) and gather more than 300 scientists.