Recruitment: Junior Professor ChairARCHE: Chemical Analysis and Reactivity for the Environment
From 21 Mar to 1 May 2025
Host Organization: CNRS
Partner Institution: Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Host Laboratory: IPREM, UMR5254
Keywords: Physico-chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Reactivity, Environment, Atmosphere, Modeling
Scientific Theme: Environmental chemistry is a scientific discipline dedicated to studying the physico-chemical processes occurring in the atmosphere, aquatic environments, and soils. It employs all theoretical and experimental tools of chemistry, pushing the boundaries of these expertise areas due to the complexity of the phenomena studied. The in-depth analysis of these environments not only helps to better understand the chemical reactivity occurring within them but also highlights the interactions between these different media. These studies play a crucial role in deepening our understanding of environmental dynamics, particularly concerning climate change.
Scientific Project: The project aims to deepen the understanding of physico-chemical processes occurring in various terrestrial environments, such as the atmosphere, aquatic environments, and soils. To achieve this, it will rely on laboratory experiments and the development of innovative analytical methodologies, providing precise information on reactivity within these environments. Furthermore, the project will explore interactions at the interfaces between these different environments, thereby enriching our knowledge of multi-environment dynamics. The analytical techniques developed will enable ultra-trace detection of organic compounds in complex samples representative of these environments. These advancements will be particularly useful for monitoring pollutants and studying the degradation mechanisms of organic compounds. The analyses will provide new crucial data to better understand the reactivity of these environments and identify secondary products that may form within them. Additionally, a part of the project could focus on miniaturizing analytical techniques to perform on-site analyses. Finally, modeling approaches may be integrated to further explore the chemical reactivities at play.
Preliminary Applications before May 1st : Send your detailed CV, including publications and references, by email to Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos