Field of applications
- Energy: energy storage, conductor polymer implementation
- Environment: impact on environmental media, purification process, nanoplastics
- Geosciences: enhanced recovery
- Agrifood, Health: formulation of adhesives
- Development of innovative methods in the fields of chemical composition, structure, size of polymers, colloidal matter and nanomaterials
- New materials, new properties, new processes
- Multidimensional analyses of materials
- Design, development, optimization of specific characterization methods
- Measurement of physical or electronic properties of materials
- Mixing solution and formulation
- Formatting of materials
- Ageing
- Conductive polymers, biosourced polymers, new materials for sensors, polymer technology for the recovery of assisted hydrocarbons.
- Dip-coater & spin coater
- Ageing oven
- Centrifuge
- Extruder,
- Glove boxes
- Purifier and dispenser of dry solvents
- Liquid, gel and solid RMN
- UV-Visible spectroscopy
- SEC-UV/RI/Viscosimeter (capillary) /MALS.
- HPLC, ChromatoFlash
- Differential refractometer, reflectometer and ellipsometer
- Static and dynamic light scattering
- Static and dynamic tensiometers and zeta potential
- Microscopes (AFM , ESEM, SEM , fluorescence, optical)
- Thermogravimeter et differential scanning calorimeter
- Rheometer
- Etc.
Technical centers
- Xylomat: R&D projects, product development and various services related to bio-sourced materials.