Professor Specialist in elemental and molecular analysis Chair Leader
Ryan received a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Florida in 1995, and a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Florida State University in 1999. Following a postdoctoral appointment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he joined the Ion Cyclotron Resonance Program at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) as an Assistant Scholar-Scientist and a courtesy faculty member of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Florida State University.
He currently is the Director of the Future Fuels Institute, FSU Distinguished Scholar, and an Associate Editor of Energy and Fuels.
He currently is the Director of the Future Fuels Institute, FSU Distinguished Scholar, and an Associate Editor of Energy and Fuels.
Professor UPPA coordinator of the chair Specialist in elemental and molecular analysis
Brice graduated from the engineering school ENSGTI in 1998 and also obtained a DEA in Energetics, Transfers and Dispersed Systems from UPPA in 1998. He obtained his PhD in analytical chemistry from UPPA in 2002.
Following his postdoctoral studies at the Institute for Coastal Research in Geesthacht in Germany, he became associate professor at UPPA (IPREM) in 2003. He defended his habilitation in 2010 and was promoted full professor in 2013. He is the co-founder of the international joint laboratory iC2MC (Universities of Pau and Rouen, Florida State University, CNRS and Total).
He is also the president of the Lacq Odyssée association as well as Associate Editor of the revue Processes. Brice co-supervised the research of more than 30 students or researchers (Master, PhD, postdoctoral) including 7 PhD thesis in international cotutelles (Venezuela, China and Denmark). He also co-organized the 18th conference of Petrophase in 2017 at Le Havre. He is co-author to more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals. His expertise fields are separative sciences, mass spectrometry, complex matrices analyses and in particular plasma analytical technologies (ICP) applied to petroleum matrices as well as biological and environmental matrices.
CNRS Research Director - TOTAL coordinator of the chair Manager of the molecular identification and separation service at TRTG, Total RC Specialist in elemental and molecular analysis
Pierre graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier. He obtained his PhD from UPPA in 2006 in analytical chemistry after obtaining a master degree from the University of Singapore in 2002. Then, he completed habilitation (HDR) from the University of Rouen Normandy. Since January 2021, he is also Research Director at CNRS.
He is the co-founder and scientific coordinator in the international joint laboratory iC2MC which gathers about 35 scientists from Total – CNRS – Rouen University – Pau University – Florida State University. Pierre co-supervised research of about 20 students and researchers (Master, PhD, postdoctoral) and chaired the 18th Petrophase Conference in 2017 at Le Havre.
He is co-author to more than 50 publications in peer-reviewed international journals as well as 4 patents. His expertise relies on the separative sciences, mass spectrometry, complex matrices analysis and the development of analytical strategies in the field of energy (refining, renewable energies, petrochemicals) or environmental sciences.
He authored 36 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and 3 patents. His expertise extends to different aspects of molecular separation sciences, mass spectrometry, complex matrices analysis, analytical strategy in the field of refining, petroleomics and environmental science, instrumental development in analytical chemistry.
Postdoctoral researcher Molecular and elemental analysis of complex matrices
Julie obtained her Bachelor in Chemistry from the University of Bordeaux in 2015 and then a master in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Nantes in 2017. She obtained her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Lyon in 2020. Her thesis work was related to the development of analytical methodologies for the characterization of petroleum products using different analytical molecular techniques such as mass spectrometry, liquid or gas chromatography and the exploration of data with chemometric tools.
Her postdoctoral work relies on the development of hyphenations between chromatographic techniques and elemental/molecular techniques for the analysis of complex matrices such as petroleum products, bio-oils or environmental samples (DOM).
Postdoctoral researcher Modeling and programmation
Carlos obtained a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University Industrial of Santander (Colombia). He then got his PhD in 2018 also from the University Industrial of Santander. His PhD work relied on the study of the inhibition of hydrocracking catalysts by basic nitrogen compounds. He then worked at the Colombian refinery Ecopetrol as a Process Engineer where he could use his skills of modeling and process optimization.
The main project linked to his post-doctoral research is to improve the current data processing software for mass spectrometry data allowing to simultaneously process data from different instruments as well as multi-dimensional data.
Postdoctoral researcher Fractionation and elemental analysis of complex petroleum matrices
German obtained a Master in Chemistry from the Universidad Central of Venezuela in 2007 and then worked as a researcher at UCV before obtaining his PhD from UCV and UPPA in 2019. His PhD research focused on the development of fractionation methods for petroleum products in order to improve the characterization of metallic species, using sequential complex extractions. As a postdoctoral researcher, he will pursue his work to prefractionate complex samples such as petroleum products or bio-oils prior to elemental analysis.
PhD student Molecular and elemental analysis of DOM
Deisy obtained a Bachelor in Chemistry from the Universidad Del Valle in Cali (Colombia) in 2016 and then a Master in Chemistry from the Universidad Industrial de Santander in 2020. Her research projects along her studies focused on the development of prefractionation methods or original ionization methods for the characterization of heavy petroleum products such as molecular characterization of asphaltenes.
She also worked on the analysis of the composition and the active properties of phospholipids surfaces from cacao beans. Her PhD thesis will focus on the use of inorganic mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and molecular mass spectrometry (FT-ICR/MS) in order to provide an advanced characterization of DOM.
PhD student Molecular analysis of petroleum products
Nathaniel obtained a Chemical Engineering degree from the Federal University of Uberlândia in Brazil and also followed a 2-years exchange program with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille then obtaining a Master in Chemistry and Formulation Engineering from the University of Lille.
His research projects then focused on the development of a methodology to identify the optimal formulation within an Enhanced Oil Recovery context (EOR). Now, his PhD research focuses on the identification of the criteria that best anticipate the yield of oil throughout the SMART process within EOR context thanks to high-resolution mass spectrometry.