Physico-chemistry of surfaces and polymer materials

Cluster leaders

  • Stéphanie Reynaud



Technopôle Helioparc
2 avenue Pierre Angot
64053 Pau Cedex 9

*for other addresses,
go to the "Location" page


Opening hours : 8h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00
Phone: 00 33 (0)5 40 17 50 00

Head of research unit:

Director : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos
Assistant directors : Cécile Courrèges and Christine Lartigau-Dagron



PCMPhysico-chemistry of surfaces and polymer materials



Scientific skills



Research areas

Materials for storage and energy conversion
  • Surfaces and interfaces of electrode materials and electrolytes: batteries and supercapacitors
  • Semiconductor organic materials: organic photovoltaics, NIR detectors, artificial photosynthesis, bioelectronics
Materials and sustainability
  • Bio-sourced Materials: Forest resources, polysaccharides, biosurfactants, biomonomers
  • Materials and Environnemental Impact
  • Photoactive Materials
Functional materials
  • (Hierarchically) structured materials
  • Polymers at interfaces: modelling polymer brushes



Structuring projects

Materials for storage and energy conversion
  • H2020 projects: HELis (Li-S batteries ), eSCALED (imitate photosynthesis)
  • E2S-UPPA project : IXIA platform (tomography x-ray imaging, ionic probe, laser ablation)
  • ANR projects: DEOSS (organic battery), DeLi-RedOx (electrode materials), TAPIR (IR photodetector)
  • Aquitaine project: TAMANOIR
Materials and sustainability
  • 3 E2S-UPPA projects: Chair of excellence MANTA (Marine materials), Challenge MAyDay (Pre-maturation), Mécapeau (impact of pollutants on skin)
  • 2 ANR projects:
    • Picposs: Continuous-flow integrated processes for photo-oxygenations with solid-supported sensitizers for the safe and sustainable production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals)
    • Funpolysurf: Design of advanced structured functional polymer surfaces from photo-active polymer nanoparicles
  • 3 Aquitaine projects: Biocolpic, Fixpin et Aquitgemme (biobased materials)
Functional materials
  • H2020 projects:
    • 1 RISE project (Research & innovation staff exchange ): polymers for ophtalmology
    • 2 Poctefa projects : FOODYPLAST (food packaging), REVALTPET (recycling),
  • 2 ANR projects: BIOSCA (Bioinspired oleophobic self-cleaning surfaces for automotive indoor environment), MACAOs (Morphological control of self-assembled amphiphilic block copolymers through stimuli)
  • 1 FUI project: MATIMELEC (MATériaux Innovants pour Meuble Electrique)
