Sandra MounicouCNRS Researcher
- Analytical chemist researcher
IPREM, Hélioparc, 2 av. Pr. Angot 64000 Pau- analytical chemistry, metalloproteomics, elemental bioimaging, living organisms
- sandra.mounicou @
2016 : Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, specialty : chemistry
1999-2002 : PhD in chemistry and microbiology of water, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour/CNRS - Collaboration with Nestlé Research Centre (Lausanne, Switzerland)
1998-1999 : DEA/MASTER - chemistry and microbiology of water - Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
1997 – 1998 : Bachelor in physic-chemistry - Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Professional experience
2009: CNRS researcher 1st class, IPREM UMR 5254, Pau
2005-2009 : CNRS researcher 2nd class, LCABIE UMR 5034, Pau
2004-2005 : Contractual researcher at LCABIE UMR 5034 CNRS/UPPA, Pau
2002-2004 : Post-doctoral fellow, chemistry department,University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
- Scientific projets responsible and coordinator (ANR, ANSES, NEEDS-ENVIRONNEMENT)
- Supervising of post-doctorates, PhD and Master students.
- Analytical chemistry
Mass spectrometry (ICPMS and ESI-MS/MS) based- hyphenated techniques
Elemental bioimaging (LA-ICP MS)
Research interests
- Analytical methodologies development for elucidating essentiality or toxicity mecanisms of trace elements (uranium, cadmium, mercure, platine, iode, sélénium) in living organisms (aquatic organisms, plants,human tissue et fluids).
trace elements interaction with proteins
trace elements mapping at µm scale in thin tissue sections.
- 2018–collaborative contract UPPA-2018-4,
Detection and identification of cytosolic ligands of selenium in fish organs (Catostomus commersonii), partner : INRS ETE Quebec,
coord. S. Mounicou.
2016-2018 :Cadmigrain (EC2CO)
cadmium in durum wheat : origin, localisation and impact on germinal quality,
project, coord. J.Y Cornu, INRA.
Molecular targets of uranium in zebrafish gonads – analytical developments, project,
coord. S.Mounicou.
Use of fish otoliths as markers of uranium exposure
coord. : O. Simon, IRSN.
2'11-2012: NANOADAPT (ANSES)
Study of adaptative response of kidney cell lines to cadmium nanoparticles
coord. B. L’Azou, Bordeaux 2.
2010-2013: ST-MALO (ANR JCJC)
Uranium speciation in living aquatic organisms – analytical developmebts
coord. : S. Frelon, IRSN.
2010-2014: RIPOST (ANR CES)
Multidisciplinary research on oyster problematic in Arcachon Bay
coord. : P. Gonzalez, EPOC bordeaux 1.
2009-2012: IDEA (ANR CES)
Isotopic Deconvolution for Environmental and Analytical Chemistry of Organometallic Pollutants
coord. M. Montperrus, IPREM.