Séverine Le Faucheur



Technopôle Helioparc
2 avenue Pierre Angot
64053 Pau Cedex 9

*for other addresses,
go to the "Location" page


Opening hours : 8h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00
Phone: 00 33 (0)5 40 17 50 00
E-mail (contact-iprem @ univ-pau.fr)

Head of research unit:

Director : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos (ryszard.lobinski @ univ-pau.fr)
Assistant directors : Cécile Courrèges and Christine Lartigau-Dagron



Severine Le FaucheurAssociate Professor

  • Chair E2s-UPPA-TotalEnergies-Rio Tinto ECOTOX
  • IPREM UMR 5254 -
    Helioparc - 2, av. Pdt Angot - 64 000 PAU
  • Ecotoxicology, metals, phytoplankton, biofilm, mollusks, aquatic ecosystems, metal speciation
  • severine.le-faucheur @ univ-pau.fr
  • https://iprem.univ-pau.fr/fr/collaborations/chaires/ecotox.html


Academic education
  • 2020 : Habilitations à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Physiology and biology of organisms-populations-interactions; Chemistry

  • 2005 : Ph.D. ès Sciences (Dr. Sc. ETH Zürich), Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG/ETHZ), Dübendorf, Switzerland

  • 2000: DEA Chimie fine et chimie marine, option Chimie marine (equivalent level M.S., major : marine chemistry), Université de Bretagne Occidentale

  • 1998 : Licence de chimie (equivalent level B.S., major: chemistry), UBO

Academic positions
  • 2018-2017: Researcher, University of Geneva, Switzerland

  • 2017-2011: Senior researcher and teaching assistant, University of Geneva, Switzerland

  • 2010-2006: Research associate and postdoctoral fellow, INRS-ETE, Canada


  • Chair holder of the partnership research chair E2s-UPPA-TotalEnergies-Rio Tinto in ‘Ecotoxicology of chemical contaminants in inland waters’

  • Editor for the Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal (Springer)

  • Committee member of the Metal Interest Group - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)

  • Committee member of bureau du pole CME

Research interests

  • Metal behavior and fate in natural waters

  • Comprehension of key processes driving metal accumulation in microalgae and mollusks

  • Metal effects, including in mixture with organic contaminants, towards phytoplankton, biofilms and mollusks



Sarah Gourgues (09/2021-present) - UPPA - Structural dynamics of biofilms exposed to metals and effects on river functions - Cosupervisor: M. Goni-Urriza (IPREM)

Simon Colas (09/2020-present) - UPPA - Accumulation and effects of cobalt on microalgae in presence of organic compounds - Cosupervisor : C. Fortin (INRS-ETE)

Maëva Marimoutou (12/2020 - present) – UPPA - Use of gastropod shells as bioindicators of metal contamination - Cosupervisor : G. Bareille (IPREM)

Julien Michaud-Valcourt (2020 – present), Maitrise en Science de l’Eau – INRS-ETE - Accumulation and effects of platinum and palladium on a unicellular alga – Influence of initial speciation - Cosupervisor: C. Fortin (INRS-ETE)


Théo Carpentier (Master 2, 2022) – UPPA – Cobalt uptake by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in presence of naphtalene

Louis Courtois (Master 2, 2022) – UPPA – Inorganic platinum and palladium speciation in algal exposure media - Cosupervisor: S. Blanc (IPREM)

Clara De Lorenzo González (Master 2, 2022) – UPPA & U. Oviedo - Development of an electrochemical probe to measure cobalt concentrations in freshwater. Cosupervisor: C. Parat (IPREM)

Jessica Dos Santos (Master 2, 2022) – UPPA - Cobalt subcellular fractionation in gastropods



Stellia Sebihi, Master 2 – UPPA - Use of Corbicula fluminea shells as biomonitoring tool of metal contamination

Lucas Bellehigues, Master 2 – UPPA - Interactions of lithium with river biofilms

Axelle Dégremont, Master 1 – UPPA – Cobalt effects on the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Louis Courtois, Master 1 – UPPA - Characterisation of Pt compounds by electrochemistry and  spectrophotometry


Juliette Oriot, Master 2 – UPPA - Detection and localization of metals in gastropod shells and soft tissues by imaging techniques and mass spectrometry

Amandine Dérail, Master 2 – Université of Bordeaux - Accumulation and effects of cobalt on freshwater biofilms

Olga Perez, Master 2 – University Oviedo, Spain - Determination of metal speciation in natural waters and culture media – a focus on Cd, Co, Pd and Pt


  • 2027 - 2023: Impacts of emerging contaminants towards phytoplankton in the presence of dissolved organic matter (IMPEC) – ANR  single team (10 colleagues) - 475 k€ 

  • 2024 – 2019: Partnership research chair E2s-UPPA-TotalEnergies-Rio Tinto in ‘Ecotoxicology of chemical contaminants in inland waters (holder)

  • 2022 – 2019: Research project in collaboration with the Cobalt Institute on the determination of dissociation constants of cobalt complexes (PI)

  • 2022 - 2020: Research project in collaboration with INRS-ETE (Claude Fortin) and the European Precious Metals Federation on the accumulation and effects of platinum and palladium in green microalgae (co-PI)
