Beatrice LaugaProfesseure des universités
- Master 2 Molecular Biology and environmental microbiology (BME) Coordinator
- Master 2 BME/BEH Double title UPPA (Pau)-University of Oviedo (Spain) Coordinator
- Head of the Regional platform of Environmental Microbiology PREMICE
IPREM - UMR 5254 UPPA/CNRS IBEAS- avenue de l'université -BP 1155 64013 PAU CedexCommunity ecology, microbial diversity, global changes, biogeography, evolution and adaptation in the context of environmental disturbances, contaminants (Arsenic, iron, pesticides)
beatrice.lauga @
- 2012 : Qualification for research direction (HDR), Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
- 1996 : Ph.D. Thesis (Doctorat), Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Biological Sciences
Since 2013 : Professor (UPPA) -University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Pau - France), permanent position.
2007-2013 : Assistant professor- University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Pau - France), permanent position.
2005-2007 : Researcher - University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour – IPREM-EEM lab (Pau - France)
2003-2004 : Researcher at the Conservatoire Botanique National (Bagnères de Bigorre, France)
2001-2002 : Post-doctoral position - University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour –EEM –IPREM lab (Pau - France)
1999-2000 : Post-doctoral position- University of Edinburgh – ICAPB Charlesworth lab’s (Edinburgh Scotland)
1996-1999 : Assistant professor (ATER) - University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Pau - France)
Scientific and technical responsabilities
Principal/partner investigator of scientific projects
PhD thesis supervisor and Postdoctorates supervisor
Expert Evaluator of scientific projects: ANR, Rovaltain, IRSN
Member of the French Society of Ecology (SFE) and of the French Association of Microbial Ecology (AFEM)
Organizing and scientific Committee Member of the AFEM congress (2015 - Anglet France) and ISOBAY international congress (2018 - Anglet France)
Administrative responsabilities
Member of the IPREM Scientific council
Member of the IPREM Lab council
Member of the executive committee of MIRA federation
Member of the doctoral school - ED211 Exact Sciences and their Applications
Member of French recruiting committee for assistant professor
My academic formation was focused on genetics and plant biology. After a post-doctoral position in population genetics and evolution in Profs B. and D. Charlesworth at the ICAPB in Edinburgh University (Scotland) then in microbiology at the UPPA, I have been developing my research in microbial ecology for 10 years. I focus on patterns of microbial diversity (taxonomic and functional) with special emphases on its role on ecosystems functioning. I explore a variety of environments to unravel forces that shape species distribution, abundance and dynamics of microorganisms and their assembly considering both biotic and abiotic interactions. Most the environments I study are either imprinted by contaminants originating from anthropogenic activities or by anthropic or natural disturbances. I develop a range of tools and methods to investigate highly contaminated or complex samples. My approaches are clearly influenced by my past experience in population genetics, evolution and their links with community ecology.
5 PhD students
2 post-doctorates
Current projects
- REPLIM: REd Pirenaica LIMno (2016-2019) Pyrenean observatory network for sensitive ecosystems to climate change. INTERREG POCTEFA Program. Principal investigator Blas L. Valero Garcés (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología-CSIC Sarragosse, Spain).
- AGREENFISH: Adaptations to dietary shift in aquaculture: characterization and enhancement (2014-2018) ANR BIOADAPT 2013 national program. Principal investigator M. Dupont-Nivet (INRA Jouy en Josas, GABI unit, France).
- MICROPOLIT: State and evolution of coastal environmental in South Aquitaine (2016-2019). Aquitaine Regional program (FEDER funded). Principal investigator M. Monperrus (UPPA, Anglet, France).
Past Projects
14 research project among which:
- CHLORINDIC: Effects of chlordecone (Kepone) contamination on epilithic biofilms (2011-2016). ANR CESA national program. Principal investigator D. Monty (DYNECAR/UAG Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, France).
- PREMICE : Regional platform of environmental microbiology to evaluate ecosystem health and their biotechnological potential (2011-2015). Program of the Aquitain region. Principal investigators B. Lauga and R. Duran (UPPA, Pau, France)
- BAGEL: BActerial production of Glycerol (di)Ether Lipids : Biogeochemical, (palaeo)environmental and evolutionary implications (2012-2016). ANR national Program. Principal investigator V. Grossi (Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon : Terre, Planètes, Environnement – Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France).
- LIGA: Dynamic of marine mucilage on the Bask coast. Programme de recherche financé par l’Agence de l’eau Adour-Garonne Water agency and Aquitaine Regional council. Principal investigator P. Gaudin (INRA, Fédération MIRA), Anglet, France).
- MIGRAMD: Microbial biogeography of Acid Mine Drainage: a study of genetic diversity and species diversity from an evolutionary perspective. 2011 FRB Program (Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité). Principal investigator B. Lauga (UPPA, Pau, France).