Cristiana Cravo LaureauAssociate Professor
Université de Pau - bâtiment IBEAS - BP 1155 - 64013 Pau cedex FRANCEmicrobial ecotoxicology, microbial ecology, experimental ecology, microbiology of anaerobes, hydrocarbon biodegradation, coastal sediments, anoxic polluted environments, oxic/anoxic oscillations, sulfate-reducing microorganisms, land-sea continuum, microbial bioindicators
cristiana.cravo-laureau @
2014 |
« Qualification for research direction » (HDR), University of Pau |
2003 |
PhD Thesis in Environmental Sciences (Microbiology), Aix-Marseille University |
1999 |
M.Sc. in Environmental and Health Biosciences, Aix-Marseille University |
1998 |
B.Sc. in Biochemistry / Microbiology, Aix-Marseille University |
Since Sept 2004 |
Associate Professor, University of Pau, France |
2004 |
Post-doc, Laboratory of Microbiology IRD Marseille, France |
2002- 2004 |
Research and Teaching Assistant (ATER), Provence University, France |
Research interests
Microbial ecology and ecotoxicology in coastal environments
Role of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycles and in pollutants degradation
Ecology and physiology of anaerobic hydrocarbonoclastic microorganisms (particularly sulfate-reducers)
Impact of environmental fluctuations on microbial community structure and function in coastal environments
- Supervision of 3 post-doctoral researchers, 11 PhD students (3 in progress), 13 MSc students and of technician staff (3).
Project coordination (16) since 2006, coordination of different projects supported by Europe (FEDER), Région Aquitaine, local collectivities (CDAPP), INSU CNRS LEFE and EC2CO – Microbien, industrial collaboration; and co-coordination of projects supported by ANR (EMPB), PHC (Utique, Procope, Cogito) and E2S-UPPA.
Participation (18) in different ANR Projects (SEST, CESA, BLANC), CNRS, INSU, E2S-UPPA, ERANETMED, Marie-Curie, FEDER and industrial collaboration.
Projects in progress:
BIOMIC (2020-2023): “Microbial and trophic bioindicators of the ecological state of the ecosystem in the SUDOE coastal zone” (Interreg SUDOE – Europe – FEDER). Coordination
SAFE REUSE (2020-2021): “Performic acid for a safe reuse of wastewater” (E2S “Seed funding for Partnership Initiative” and KEMIRA). Co-coordination with Thierry Pigot and Robert Duran.
MeSMic (2019-2024): “Metals in Environmental Systems Microbiology: An integrated approach to unravel metal ion interactions with microbial ecosystems at the molecular, cellular and community levels” (ISite E2S/UPPA). Partner.
FUNGDEG (2019-2021): “Elucidating biomarkers and functions of bacterial-fungal interactions during the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at changing environmental conditions” (PHC PROCOPE). Co-coordination.
AQUASALT (2018-2022): “Agriculture effects on inland saline water bodies and on lake/laguna hydrological complexes” (ERANETMED). Partner
TOTEM (2017-2020): “Microbiology of oil-contaminated ecosystems on a land-sea continuum” (INSU CNRS EC2CO – LEFE). Coordination.