Alejandro Gutierrez Quintanilla



Technopôle Helioparc
2 avenue Pierre Angot
64053 Pau Cedex 9

*for other addresses,
go to the "Location" page


Opening hours : 8h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00
Phone: 00 33 (0)5 40 17 50 00

Head of research unit:

Director : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos
Assistant directors : Cécile Courrèges and Christine Lartigau-Dagron



Alejandro Gutierrez QuintanillaAssistant professor

  • PACMAN Tenure-Track Junior Professor Chair
  • a.gutierrez-quintanilla @



Education & professional qualifications

2020                  Qualification Maître de Conférences Section 30 with No. Qualification 20230343166 and Section 31 with No. Qualification 20231343166.

2018                  PhD in Physics. Havana University, Cuba (Homologation of the French PhD).

2014-2016        PhD in Physics with specialization in diluted media and fundamental optics (École Doctorale Ondes et Matière). Paris-Saclay University (Paris-Sud University), Orsay, France.

                           Thesis title: « Molecules and complexes with hydrogen bond: solvation and photoreactivity in cryogenic matrices ».

Supervisor: Claudine Crépin-Gilbert.

2012-2013        Master in Chemistry (bac+7, major in Physical-Chemistry). Faculty of Chemistry. University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.

                           Thesis title: « Photodynamic processes upon Rydberg excitation of Nitrogen Monoxide in Ne solid matrix ».

                           Supervisor: Germán Rojas Lorenzo

2006-2011        Bachelor in Radiochemistry (bac+5, summa cum laude). Higher Institute of Technologies & Applied Sciences (InSTEC), Havana, Cuba.


Professional Experience

2022-  …             Chaire de Professeur Junior (UPPA-CNRS), Chemistry Department /UMR5254 IPREM, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. (Tenure Track)

2021-2022          Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER) full time, Physics Department /PIIM Lab (H2M Team), Aix-Marseille Université.

2019-  …                 Postdoctoral Researcher at « Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires » (PIIM), Aix-Marseille University, France.

2017-2019            Assistant Professor at InSTEC, Cuba.

2015-2016         Doctorant-Enseignant (Tutor) at Paris-Sud XI University, France.

2013-2017            Instructor (Junior professor) at InSTEC, Cuba.

2011-2013            Teaching Assistant at InSTEC, Cuba.




Administrative experience

2017-2019         Second Head of Radiochemistry Department at InSTEC, Cuba.

2017-2019         Member and main organizer of the Radiochemistry MSc. program committee, Cuba.

2017-2019         Member of the National Pedagogical Commission in Radiochemistry, Cuba.                     


Teaching experience

2022-  …             L and TD in Fundamental Organic Chemistry II (L1 PC and SDV), TP in Chemistry (L1 PC and SDV) at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

2021-2022        L, TD and TP in Wave Optics (L3PC), L, TD and TP in Physics (AMNS level), TP in Analytical chemistry case studies (M2 level) ; TP in Electricity (L1 level) at Aix-Marseille Université, France.

2017-2019            L[1], S and TD in Applied Informatics (M2); L, S, TD and TP in Molecular Spectroscopy (M1); L, S and TP in Introduction to Radiochemistry (L1); L, S, TD and TP in Quantum Chemistry (L3) at InSTEC Cuba.

2016-2017            TP in Thermochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay (L2), France.

2014-2016            TP in Solid Chemistry (L2); TD and TP in Thermochemistry and Solutions Chemistry (L1) at Polytech Paris Sud, France.

2011-2014            L, TD and TP in Molecular Spectroscopy (M1); S, TD and TP in Nuclear Chemistry (L3); TD and TP in Chemical Kinetics (L3) at InSTEC, Cuba.


[1] L: Lecture, S: Seminars, TD: Exercise work, TP: Practical/laboratory.

Research interests


Research topics

  • Formation of complex organic molecules (COMs) in interstellar ice analogues: radical reactivity (intermediate species).
  • Dynamics and photodynamics of molecular and atomic systems at low temperatures. Experimental and theoretical approaches.
  • Physical-chemistry and photophysics of secondary organic aerosol precursors in the atmosphere


Student supervision

  1. Daniel E. Camacho Granados, PhD, «Exact and applied sciences» Doctoral School.
  2. Yohann Layssac, Ph.D., « Chemical Sciences » Doctoral School, Aix-Marseille University (2019- ...), 40%.
  3. Mamoudou Sow, L3 « Physical-Chemistry », Aix-Marseille University (2019-2020), 50 %.
  4. Yohann Layssac, M2 « Organic Chemistry » (Grenoble Alpes University), Aix-Marseille University (2018-2019), 15 %.
  5. Kevin Charles, M1 « General Physics », Paris-Saclay University (2015-2016), 85 %.
  6. Antoine George, M1 « Physics and Applications », Université de Paris-Saclay (2015-2016), 75 %.



Principal Investigator

2022-2027         ANR finantial support (200 k€) for Chaire de Professeur Junior PACMAN

2019-2020          Funding of the Franco-Cuban project "Effects of matrix confinement in molecular flexibility". Second edition of the Carlos J. Finlay - Hubert Curien program (PHC).


2019-2021         Project participant in “Estudio de procesos de confinamiento, relajación y transferencia de energía de sistemas atómicos y moleculares”. Cuban National Basic Sciences Program.

2018-2020          Participant in the Russo-Cuban project “Development of new methods for the early detection of cancer by means of high temporal resolution polarization laser spectroscopy of NADPH and FAD coenzymes”. RFBR.

2015-2017          Participant in the Lithuanian-French project “Mouvements Moléculaires de grande amplitude en matrice cryogénique”. Hubert Curien–Gilibert Program (PHC).

2013-2016          Project participant in "Estudio físico-químico de sistemas atómicos y moleculares con interés para el medio ambiente”. Institutional project (InSTEC), Cuba.
