Lauréats 2017 dans les sections:
Scientific Challenges
- MArine sorbed Debris AnalYsis, MAyDAy - S. Reynaud (plus)
Creation of Start Up
- NOOSTRIM - A. Allal
Elaboration of innovative plastic packaging for institutional catering and food industry, in order to limit their impact on both human health and the environment.
Post Doctorant
- "Improving nanocomposites processability for their use as matrices in thermoplastic composites" - Jordana K.Palacios - Encadrant : Sylvie Dagréou (plus)
- " Speciation Analysis in Biofuels" - Victor Garcia Montoto - Encadrant : Brice Bouyssière
- "Diversité microbienne fonctionnelle et biodégradation des hydrocarbures dans un continuum sol - milieu aquatique" - Elise Chatillon - Encadrant : Cristiana Cravo-Laureau (plus)
- "Development of innovative materials made from absorbent polymers in near infrared environment for organic photovoltaic." - IDRISS Hisham - Encadrant: Christine Lartigau-Dagron
Internationalisation of training courses
"Organometallics and Main Group Element Chemistry" - CHROTOWSKA Anna
Master « Material Science and Engineering », field “Chemistry and physico-chemistry of materials” -
"Biological Soft Matter" - NARDIN Corinne
Master « Material Science and Engineering » -
"Bioanalytical chemistry" - RONGA Luisa
Master « Chemistry and Life sciences », field “Analytical Sciences applied to Life and Environment”