Efficient Organic Photovoltaic Sensors
Projet HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-01: Low power PV
01/12/2024 – 31/11/2027
Budget: 2 999 671.90 EUR
The project
The project Efficient Organic Photovoltaic Sensors (EFFECTOR) will deliver innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions for digital and wearable electronics at TRL7. These objects will be individually powered by harvesting low-level light and will be made from sustainable materials for a bright digital future. EFFECTOR will contribute to a strategic position through an open economy in the key digital, and human-centric emerging technology by developing highly sustainable energy harvesting under diffuse, low-light conditions in the key areas of security and health.
EFFECTOR will create new sustainable European value chains for photovoltaic technologies and open new innovative business-to-business operations by doubling the efficiency of non-toxic organic solar cells for use under low-level light. It will couple in a streamline way with non-toxic, sustainable supercapacitors with advanced low power electronics. The EFFECTOR strategy is to bring solar cell technology to mainstream use by eliminating the need for mains electricity from everyday human-centred electronics. It will develop sustainable materials and processes, using non-toxic materials and reducing environmental impact applicable for a huge raft of human-centred technologies and innovations.
EFFECTOR draws on the world-leading inkjet OPV manufacturing of Dracula Technologies, the sustainable non-toxic aqueous supercapacitors of Innocell, and the high fidelity power management systems from e-peas. With its world-leading academic partners in solar cell design (SDU), high throughput industrial electronic printing and integration (VTT) and polymers for solar cell stabilization (CNRS), it will demonstrate this innovative multi-faceted approach in vital health monitoring with Polar and portable device applications with CardLab’s biometric card technology. EFFECTOR will demonstrate how low-level and indoor light can power our future in a secure, reliable and sustainable way.
For IPREM: Roger C. Hiorns, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, HDR
Morten Madsen | |
Bruno Damien |
Steffen Thrane Vindt
| |
Didier BEGUE and Roger HIORNS
Roger Hiorns, chercheur à l’Institut des sciences analytiques et de physico-chimie pour l’environnement et les matériaux (IPREM – CNRS/Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour/IMT Mines Ales), vient d’obtenir un financement européen de trois millions d’euros pour son projet EFFECTOR sur le photovoltaïque organique. Avec son collègue Didier Bégué, enseignant-chercheur à l’Université de Pau, il revient sur les perspectives qu’ouvre cette technologie et sur les opportunités offertes par le programme Horizon Europe.
Mardi 04 février 2025, 9h, Amphi IPREM
Lancement officiel d’EFFECTOR, le programme de recherche européen visant à développer le photovoltaïque organique.