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Directeur : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos
Directrices adjointes : Cécile Courrèges et Christine Lartigau-Dagron

Directrice administrative et financière : Pascale Roch

Publications scientifiques


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Nos articles scientifiques:


[1] H. Abdallah, C. Arnaudguilhem, R. Lobinski, F. Jaber, A multi-residue analysis of sulphonamides in edible animal tissues using QuEChERS extraction and HPLC-MS/MS, Analytical Methods, 7 (2015) 1549-1557.

[2] J. Abella, A. Bielen, L. Huang, T.O. Delmont, D. Vujaklija, R. Duran, C. Cagnon, Integron diversity in marine environments, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15360-15369.

[3] J. Abella, A. Fahy, R. Duran, C. Cagnon, Integron diversity in bacterial communities of freshwater sediments at different contamination levels, Fems Microbiology Ecology, 91 (2015).

[4] J.N. Abraham, N. Gour, S. Bolisetty, R. Mezzenga, C. Nardin, Controlled aggregation of peptide-DNA hybrids into amyloid-like fibrils, European Polymer Journal, 65 (2015) 268-275.

[5] P. Amato, M. Joly, C. Schaupp, E. Attard, O. Moehler, C.E. Morris, Y. Brunet, A.M. Delort, Survival and ice nucleation activity of bacteria as aerosols in a cloud simulation chamber, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15 (2015) 6455-6465.

[6] G. Andrei, C.A. Peptu, M. Popa, J. Desbrieres, C. Peptu, F. Gardikiotis, M. Costuleanu, D. Costin, J.C. Dupin, A. Uhart, B.I. Tamba, Formulation and evaluation of cefuroxim loaded submicron particles for ophthalmic delivery, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 493 (2015) 16-29.

[7] N. Andreu, D. Flahaut, R. Dedryvere, M. Minvielle, H. Martinez, D. Gonbeau, XPS Investigation of Surface Reactivity of Electrode Materials: Effect of the Transition Metal, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (2015) 6629-6636.

[8] M. Aoun, C. Arnaudguilhem, O. El Samad, R.B. Khozam, R. Lobinski, Impact of a phosphate fertilizer plant on the contamination of marine biota by heavy elements, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 14940-14949.

[9] M. Aoun, O. El Samad, R.B. Khozam, R. Lobinski, Assessment of committed effective dose due to the ingestion of Po-210 and Pb-210 in consumed Lebanese fish affected by a phosphate fertilizer plant, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 140 (2015) 25-29.

[10] M. Aramendia, L. Rello, S. Berail, A. Donard, C. Pecheyran, M. Resano, Direct analysis of dried blood spots by femtosecond-laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Feasibility of split-flow laser ablation for simultaneous trace element and isotopic analysis (vol 30, pg 296, 2015), Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30 (2015) 525-525.

[11] H. Awada, A. Bousquet, C. Dagron-Lartigau, L. Billon, Surface-initiated polymerization of A-A/B-B type conjugated monomers by palladium-catalyzed Stille polycondensation: towards low band gap polymer brushes, Rsc Advances, 5 (2015) 78436-78440.

[12] H. Awada, L. Mezzasalma, S. Blanc, D. Flahaut, C. Dagron-Lartigau, J. Lyskawa, P. Woisel, A. Bousquet, L. Billon, Biomimetic Mussel Adhesive Inspired Anchor to Design ZnO@Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Hybrid Core@Corona Nanoparticles, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36 (2015) 1486-1491.

[13] G. Bareille, P. Sasal, N. Mary, F.J. Meunier, M.H. Deschamps, S. Berail, C. Pecheyran, R. Lecomte-Finiger, Are elemental ans strontium isotopic microchemistry of otolith and histomorphometrical characteristics of vertebral bone useful to resolve the eel anguilla obscura status in lalolalo lake in wallis island ?, Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 65 (2015) 29-39.

[14] J.P.G. Barre, G. Deletraz, J. Frayret, H. Pinaly, O.F.X. Donard, D. Amouroux, Approach to spatialize local to long-range atmospheric metal input (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb) in epiphytic lichens over a meso-scale area (Pyr,n,es-Atlantiques, southwestern France), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 8536-8548.

[15] S. Ben Mahmoud, H. Saad, B. Charrier, A. Pizzi, K. Rode, N. Ayed, F. Charrier-El Bouhtoury, Characterization of sumac (Rhus tripartitum) root barks tannin for a potential use in wood adhesives formulation, Wood Science and Technology, 49 (2015) 205-221.

[16] O. Ben Said, H. Louati, A. Soltani, H. Preud'homme, C. Cravo-Laureau, P. Got, O. Pringault, P. Aissa, R. Duran, Changes of benthic bacteria and meiofauna assemblages during bio-treatments of anthracene-contaminated sediments from Bizerta lagoon (Tunisia), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15319-15331.

[17] A. Benidar, D. Begue, F. Richter, C. Pouchan, M. Lahcini, J.-C. Guillemin, Gas-Phase Infrared Spectra of Three Compounds of Astrochemical Interest: Vinyl, Allenyl, and Propargyl Isocyanides, Chemphyschem, 16 (2015) 848-854.

[18] P. Bernard, H. Martinez, C. Tessier, E. Garitte, S. Franger, R. Dedryvere, Role of Negative Electrode Porosity in Long-Term Aging of NMC//Graphite Li-Ion Batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 162 (2015) A7096-A7103.

[19] T. Bersinger, I. Le Hecho, G. Bareille, T. Pigot, Assessment of erosion and sedimentation dynamic in a combined sewer network using online turbidity monitoring, Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 72 (2015) 1375-1382.

[20] L. Bodenes, A. Darwiche, L. Monconduit, H. Martinez, The Solid Electrolyte Interphase a key parameter of the high performance of Sb in sodium-ion batteries: Comparative X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy study of Sb/Na-ion and Sb/Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 273 (2015) 14-24.

[21] P. Bonin, C. Vieira, R. Grimaud, C. Militon, P. Cuny, O. Lima, S. Guasco, C.P.D. Brussaard, V. Michotey, Substrates specialization in lipid compounds and hydrocarbons of Marinobacter genus, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15347-15359.

[22] C. Bordes, P. Senechal, J. Barriere, D. Brito, E. Normandin, D. Jougnot, Impact of water saturation on seismoelectric transfer functions: a laboratory study of coseismic phenomenon, Geophysical Journal International, 200 (2015) 1317-1335.

[23] O.V. Borisov, E.B. Zhulina, Brushes of Dendritically Branched Polyelectrolytes, Macromolecules, 48 (2015) 1499-1508.

[24] O.V. Borisova, L. Billon, Z. Cernochova, A. Lapp, P. Stepanek, O.V. Borisov, Effect of Temperature on Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Block-Gradient Copolymers of Styrene and Acrylic Acid, Macromolecular Symposia, 348 (2015) 25-32.

[25] O.V. Borisova, L. Billon, R.P. Richter, E. Reimhult, O.V. Borisov, pH- and Electro-Responsive Properties of Poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(acrylic acid-grad-styrene) Brushes Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring, Langmuir, 31 (2015) 7684-7694.

[26] O.V. Borisova, L. Billon, M.Y. Zaremski, O.V. Borisov, Synthesis of amphiphilic block-gradient copolymers of styrene and acrylic acid by Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization, Polymer Science Series C, 57 (2015) 86-93.

[27] M. Boularas, E. Gombart, J.-F. Tranchant, L. Billon, M. Save, Design of Smart Oligo(ethylene glycol)-Based Biocompatible Hybrid Microgels Loaded with Magnetic Nanoparticles, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36 (2015) 79-83.

[28] B. Bouras, A. Mansri, L. Tennouga, B. Grassl, Influence parameters in controlled adiabatic copolymerization of acrylamide/4-vinylpyridine (AM/4VP) system in aqueous media, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 41 (2015) 5839-5858.

[29] A.G. Bravo, S. Bouchet, S. Guedron, D. Amouroux, J. Dominik, J. Zopfi, High methylmercury production under ferruginous conditions in sediments impacted by sewage treatment plant discharges, Water Research, 80 (2015) 245-255.

[30] E.M.S. Brito, M. De la Cruz Barron, C.A. Caretta, M. Goni-Urriza, L.H. Andrade, G. Cuevas-Rodriguez, O. Malm, J.P.M. Torres, M. Simon, R. Guyoneaud, Impact of hydrocarbons, PCBs and heavy metals on bacterial communities in Lerma River, Salamanca, Mexico: Investigation of hydrocarbon degradation potential, Science of the Total Environment, 521 (2015) 1-10.

[31] A.-L. Bulteau, L. Chavatte, Update on Selenoprotein Biosynthesis, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 23 (2015) 775-794.

[32] P. Carbonniere, C. Pouchan, R. Improta, Intramolecular vibrational redistribution in the non-radiative excited state decay of uracil in the gas phase: an ab initio molecular dynamics study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 11615-11626.

[33] P. Cardoso, F. Rigal, J.C. Carvalho, BAT - Biodiversity Assessment Tools, an R package for the measurement and estimation of alpha and beta taxon, phylogenetic and functional diversity, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6 (2015) 232-236.

[34] J.C. Carvalho, P. Cardoso, F. Rigal, K.A. Triantis, P.A.V. Borges, Modeling directional spatio-temporal processes in island biogeography, Ecology and Evolution, 5 (2015) 4671-4682.

[35] J. Cavalheiro, A. Prieto, O. Zuloaga, H. Preudhomme, D. Amouroux, M. Monperrus, Evaluation of preconcentration methods in the analysis of synthetic musks in whole-water samples, Journal of Separation Science, 38 (2015) 2298-2304.

[36] N. Cherifi, A. BenAboura, M. Save, L. Billon, Acrylic Diblock Copolymers/Clay Nanocomposites Via In Situ Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 216 (2015) 1462-1471.

[37] A. Chrostowska, A. Dargelos, P. Baylere, C. Darrigan, L. Weber, J. Halama, UV-Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of the Simplest 2,3-Dihydro-1H-1,3,2-diazaboroles (CHNH)(2)BX, X = H, CN, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2015) 5196-5201.

[38] A. Chrostowska, C. Darrigan, A. Dargelos, A. Benidar, J.-C. Guillemin, The Electronic Structure of Some Cyanohydrins-A Spectroscopically Under-Investigated Family of Compounds, Chemphyschem, 16 (2015) 3660-3671.

[39] A. Chrostowska, C. Darrigan, S. Khayar, P. Baylere, J. Lewkowski, A. Krzyczmonik, P. Tokarz, K. Slepokura, T. Lis, Diastereoselective synthesis of tetraalkyl (R,R)-1,2-cyclohexylene-diamino-di-phosphonates bearing thiophene, furan and pyrrole moieties. Computational and experimental study on their formation, Tetrahedron, 71 (2015) 2561-2571.

[40] L. Chupin, B. Charrier, A. Pizzi, A. Perdomo, F. Charrier-El Bouhtoury, Study of thermal durability properties of tannin-lignosulfonate adhesives, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (2015) 1577-1585.

[41] L. Chupin, S.L. Maunu, S. Reynaud, A. Pizzi, B. Charrier, F. Charrier-El Bouhtoury, Microwave assisted extraction of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) bark: Impact of particle size and characterization, Industrial Crops and Products, 65 (2015) 142-149.

[42] J. Claveau, M. Monperrus, M. Jarry, M. Baudrimont, P. Gonzalez, J. Cavalheiro, N. Mesmer-Dudons, V. Bolliet, Methylmercury effects on migratory behaviour in glass eels (Anguilla anguilla): An experimental study using isotopic tracers, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, 171 (2015) 15-27.

[43] J. Claveau, M. Monperrus, M. Jarry, H. Pinaly, M. Baudrimont, P. Gonzalez, D. Amouroux, A. Bardonnet, V. Bolliet, Spatial and seasonal variations of methylmercury in European glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) in the Adour estuary (France) and relation to their migratory behaviour, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 10721-10732.

[44] Y. Colin, M. Goni-Urriza, P. Caumette, R. Guyoneaud, Contribution of enrichments and resampling for sulfate reducing bacteria diversity assessment by high-throughput cultivation, Journal of microbiological methods, 110 (2015) 92-97.

[45] N. Costarramone, B. Kartheuser, C. Pecheyran, T. Pigot, S. Lacombe, Efficiency and harmfulness of air-purifying photocatalytic commercial devices: From standardized chamber tests to nanoparticles release, Catalysis Today, 252 (2015) 35-40.

[46] S. Cotte, B. Pecquenard, F. Le Cras, R. Grissa, H. Martinez, L. Bourgeois, Lithium-rich manganese oxide spinel thin films as 3 V electrode for lithium batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 180 (2015) 528-534.

[47] P. Cuny, F. Gilbert, C. Militon, G. Stora, P. Bonin, V. Michotey, S. Guasco, K. Duboscq, C. Cagnon, R. Jezequel, C. Cravo-Laureau, R. Duran, Use of dispersant in mudflat oil-contaminated sediment: behavior and effects of dispersed oil on micro- and macrobenthos, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15370-15376.

[48] P. Delcroix, M. Pagliai, G. Cardini, D. Begue, B. Hanoune, Identification of Di(oxymethylene)glycol in the Raman Spectrum of Formaldehyde Aqueous Solutions by ab lnitio Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Quantum Chemistry Calculations, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (2015) 9785-9793.

[49] P. Delcroix, M. Pagliai, G. Cardini, D. Begue, B. Hanoune, Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Methanediol in Aqueous Solutions from Quantum Chemistry Calculations and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (2015) 290-298.

[50] M. Devillard, R. Brousses, K. Miqueu, G. Bouhadir, D. Bourissou, A Stable but Highly Reactive Phosphine-Coordinated Borenium: Metal-free Dihydrogen Activation and Alkyne 1,2-Carboboration, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 54 (2015) 5722-5726.

[51] P. Di Tullo, A. Versini, M. Bueno, I. Le Hecho, Y. Thiry, P. Biron, M. Castrec-Rouelle, F. Pannier, Stable isotope tracing: a powerful tool for selenium speciation and metabolic studies in non-hyperaccumulator plants (ryegrass Lolium perenne L.), Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407 (2015) 9029-9042.

[52] A. Dia, B. Lauga, M. Davranche, A. Fahy, R. Duran, B. Nowack, P. Petitjean, O. Henin, S. Martin, R. Marsac, G. Gruau, Bacteria-mediated reduction of As(V)-doped lepidocrocite in a flooded soil sample, Chemical Geology, 406 (2015) 34-44.

[53] S. Dominguez, C. Derail, F. Leonardi, J. Pascal, B. Brule, Study of the thermal properties of miscible blends between poly(ether ketone ketone) (PEKK) and polyimide, European Polymer Journal, 62 (2015) 179-185.

[54] A. Donard, A.C. Pottin, F. Pointurier, C. Pecheyran, Determination of relative rare earth element distributions in very small quantities of uranium ore concentrates using femtosecond UV laser ablation - SF-ICP-MS coupling, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30 (2015) 2420-2428.

[55] R. Duran, A. Bielen, T. Paradzik, C. Gassie, E. Pustijanac, C. Cagnon, B. Hamer, D. Vujaklija, Exploring Actinobacteria assemblages in coastal marine sediments under contrasted Human influences in the West Istria Sea, Croatia, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15215-15229.

[56] R. Duran, P. Bonin, R. Jezequel, K. Dubosc, C. Gassie, F. Terrisse, J. Abella, C. Cagnon, C. Militon, V. Michotey, F. Gilbert, P. Cuny, C. Cravo-Laureau, Effect of physical sediments reworking on hydrocarbon degradation and bacterial community structure in marine coastal sediments, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15248-15259.

[57] R. Duran, P. Cuny, P. Bonin, C. Cravo-Laureau, Microbial ecology of hydrocarbon-polluted coastal sediments, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 15195-15199.

[58] M. El Ezzi, R. Lenk, D. Madec, J.-M. Sotiropoulos, S. Mallet-Ladeira, A. Castel, A Bis-Sulfonyl O,C,O Aryl Pincer Ligand and its Tin(II) Complex: Synthesis, Structural Studies, and DFT Calculations, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 54 (2015) 805-808.

[59] K.E. El-Kelany, P. Carbonniere, A. Erba, M. Rerat, Inducing a Finite In-Plane Piezoelectricity in Graphene with Low Concentration of Inversion Symmetry-Breaking Defects, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 8966-8973.

[60] L. Erieau-Peyrard, C. Coiffier, P. Bordat, D. Begue, S. Chierici, S. Pinet, I. Gosse, I. Baraille, R. Brown, Selective, direct detection of acetylcholine in PBS solution, with self-assembled fluorescent nano-particles: experiment and modelling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 4168-4174.

[61] H. Erothu, J. Kolomanska, P. Johnston, S. Schumann, D. Deribew, D.T.W. Toolan, A. Gregori, C. Dagron-Lartigau, G. Portale, W. Bras, T. Arnold, A. Distler, R.C. Hiorns, P. Mokarian-Tabari, T.W. Collins, J.R. Howse, P.D. Topham, Synthesis, Thermal Processing, and Thin Film Morphology of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-Poly(styrenesulfonate) Block Copolymers, Macromolecules, 48 (2015) 2107-2117.

[62] R. Escoube, O.J. Rouxel, K. Edwards, B. Glazer, O.F.X. Donard, Coupled Ge/Si and Ge isotope ratios as geochemical tracers of seafloor hydrothermal systems: Case studies at Loihi Seamount and East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 50 ' N, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 167 (2015) 93-112.

[63] A. Fahy, L. Giloteaux, P. Bertin, D. Le Paslier, C. Medigue, J. Weissenbach, R. Duran, B. Lauga, 16S rRNA and As-Related Functional Diversity: Contrasting Fingerprints in Arsenic-Rich Sediments from an Acid Mine Drainage, Microbial Ecology, 70 (2015) 154-167.

[64] S. Faucher, G. Lespes, Quantification of titanium from TiO2 particles in biological tissue, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 32 (2015) 40-44.

[65] D. Faure, P. Bonin, R. Duran, Environmental microbiology reveals the Earth secret life, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 13573-13576.

[66] D. Faure, P. Bonin, P. Sivadon, R. Duran, E.C.C.O.C. Microbial Ecology, Environmental microbiology as a mosaic of explored ecosystems and issues, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 13577-13598.

[67] C. Feng, Z. Pedrero, S. Gentes, J. Barre, M. Renedo, E. Tessier, S. Berail, R. Maury-Brachet, N. Mesmer-Dudons, M. Baudrimont, A. Legeay, L. Maurice, P. Gonzalez, D. Amouroux, Specific Pathways of Dietary Methylmercury and Inorganic Mercury Determined by Mercury Speciation and Isotopic Composition in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015) 12984-12993.

[68] A.M. Ferrari, R. Orlando, M. Rerat, Ab Initio Calculation of the Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-vis) Absorption Spectrum, Electron-Loss Function, and Reflectivity of Solids, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11 (2015) 3245-3258.

[69] S. Fontagne-Dicharry, S. Godin, H. Liu, P.A.J. Prabhu, B. Bouyssiere, M. Bueno, P. Tacon, F. Medale, S.J. Kaushik, Influence of the forms and levels of dietary selenium on antioxidant status and oxidative stress-related parameters in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry, British Journal of Nutrition, 113 (2015) 1876-1887.

[70] I. Fraga Dominguez, P.D. Topham, P.-O. Bussiere, D. Begue, A. Rivaton, Unravelling the Photodegradation Mechanisms of a Low Bandgap Polymer by Combining Experimental and Modeling Approaches, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 2166-2176.

[71] K. Gazeli, P. Svarnas, B. Held, L. Marlin, F. Clement, Possibility of controlling the chemical pattern of He and Ar "guided streamers" by means of N-2 or O-2 additives, Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (2015).

[72] S. Gentes, R. Maury-Brachet, C. Feng, Z. Pedrero, E. Tessier, A. Legeay, N. Mesmer-Dudons, M. Baudrimont, L. Maurice, D. Amouroux, P. Gonzalez, Specific Effects of Dietary Methylmercury and Inorganic Mercury in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Determined by Genetic, Histological, and Metallothionein Responses, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015) 14560-14569.

[73] A. Ghodbane, N. Saffon, S. Blanc, S. Fery-Forgues, Influence of the halogen atom on the solid-state fluorescence properties of 2-phenyl-benzoxazole derivatives, Dyes and Pigments, 113 (2015) 219-226.

[74] S. Godin, S. Fontagne-Dicharry, M. Bueno, P. Tacon, P.A.J. Prabhu, S. Kaushi, F. Medale, B. Bouyssieret, Influence of Dietary Selenium Species on Selenoamino Acid Levels in Rainbow Trout, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63 (2015) 6484-6492.

[75] M. Goni-Urriza, Y. Corsellis, L. Lanceleur, E. Tessier, J. Gury, M. Monperrus, R. Guyoneaud, Relationships between bacterial energetic metabolism, mercury methylation potential, and hgcA/hgcB gene expression in Desulfovibrio dechloroacetivorans BerOc1, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (2015) 13764-13771.

[76] V. Grossi, D. Mollex, A. Vincon-Laugier, F. Hakil, M. Pacton, C. Cravo-Laureau, Mono- and Dialkyl Glycerol Ether Lipids in Anaerobic Bacteria: Biosynthetic Insights from the Mesophilic Sulfate Reducer Desulfatibacillum alkenivorans PF2803(T), Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81 (2015) 3157-3168.

[77] V. Grossi, D. Mollex, A. Vincon-Laugier, F. Hakil, M. Pacton, C. Cravo-Laureau, Mono- and Dialkyl Glycerol Ether Lipids in Anaerobic Bacteria: Biosynthetic Insights from the Mesophilic Sulfate Reducer Desulfatibacillum alkenivorans PF2803(T) (vol 81, pg 3157, 2015), Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81 (2015) 6088-6088.

[78] E. Guille, G. Vallverdu, Y. Tison, D. Begue, I. Baraille, Possible Existence of a Monovalent Coordination for Nitrogen Atoms in LixPOyNz, Solid Electrolyte: Modeling of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Raman Spectra, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 23379-23387.

[79] M.-P. Hamon, A.-L. Bulteau, B. Friguet, Mitochondrial proteases and protein quality control in ageing and longevity, Ageing Research Reviews, 23 (2015) 56-66.

[80] G. Hernandez, N. Casado, R. Coste, D. Shanmukaraj, L. Rubatat, M. Armand, D. Mecerreyes, Redox-active polyimide-polyether block copolymers as electrode materials for lithium batteries, Rsc Advances, 5 (2015) 17096-17103.

[81] S. Huguet, M.-P. Isaure, V. Bert, A. Laboudigue, O. Proux, A.-M. Flank, D. Vantelon, G. Sarret, Fate of cadmium in the rhizosphere of Arabidopsis halleri grown in a contaminated dredged sediment, Science of the Total Environment, 536 (2015) 468-480.

[82] M.-P. Isaure, S. Huguet, C.-L. Meyer, H. Castillo-Michel, D. Testemale, D. Vantelon, P. Saumitou-Laprade, N. Verbruggen, G. Sarret, Evidence of various mechanisms of Cd sequestration in the hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri, the non-accumulator Arabidopsis lyrata, and their progenies by combined synchrotron-based techniques, Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (2015) 3201-3214.

[83] A. Jedidi, R. Li, P. Fornasiero, L. Cavallo, P. Carbonniere, Vibrational Fingerprints of Low-Lying PtnP2n (n=1-5) Cluster Structures from Global Optimization Based on Density Functional Theory Potential Energy Surfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (2015) 11711-11718.

[84] M. Joost, L. Estevez, K. Miqueu, A. Amgoune, D. Bourissou, Oxidative Addition of Carbon-Carbon Bonds to Gold, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 54 (2015) 5236-5240.

[85] F. Joucken, Y. Tison, P. Le Fevre, A. Tejeda, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, E. Conrad, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, J. Ghijsen, R. Sporken, H. Amara, F. Ducastelle, J. Lagoute, Charge transfer and electronic doping in nitrogen-doped graphene, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015).

[86] P. Karamanis, N. Otero, C. Pouchan, Electric Property Variations in Nanosized Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Graphene Hybrids, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 11872-11885.

[87] D. Kedracki, S.K. Filippov, N. Gour, H. Schlaad, C. Nardin, Formation of DNA-Copolymer Fibrils Through an Amyloid-Like Nucleation Polymerization Mechanism, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36 (2015) 768-773.

[88] N. Kinadjian, M. Le Bechec, C. Henrist, E. Prouzet, P. Poulin, W. Neri, S. Lacombe, R. Backov, TiO2 Macroscopic Fibers with Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties Obtained through a Scale-Up Semi-Industrial Process, Advanced Engineering Materials, 17 (2015) 36-44.

[89] J. Kolomanska, P. Johnston, A. Gregori, I.F. Dominguez, H.-J. Egelhaaf, S. Perrier, A. Rivaton, C. Dagron-Lartigau, P.D. Topham, Design, synthesis and thermal behaviour of a series of well-defined clickable and triggerable sulfonate polymers, Rsc Advances, 5 (2015) 66554-66562.

[90] P. Kubica, H. Garraud, J. Szpunar, R. Lobinski, Sensitive simultaneous determination of 19 fluorobenzoic acids in saline waters by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 1417 (2015) 30-40.

[91] C. Lacoste, M.C. Basso, A. Pizzi, A. Celzard, E.E. Ebang, N. Gallon, B. Charrier, Pine (P. pinaster) and quebracho (S. lorentzii) tannin-based foams as green acoustic absorbers, Industrial Crops and Products, 67 (2015) 70-73.

[92] F. Lapique, J.P. Montfort, C. Derail, Nanorheology of adsorbed polymer chains immersed in pure solvent, European Physical Journal E, 38 (2015).

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