Offre de PostDocIPREM - LFCR / Storengy
Du 15 avr. au 30 août 2024
"Etude de la biodégradation de composés aromatiques dans des réservoirs de stockage de gaz naturel en aquifère par approche isotopique - Study of the biodegradation of aromatic compounds in reservoirs of natural gas storages in aquifer using an isotopic approach"
The management of groundwater quality is a major concern when storing natural gas in aquifers [1].
Especially, the fate of the aromatic compounds BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes),
contained as traces in the stored gas, and transferred to the water, need to be monitored as they are known
to have adverse effects (e.g. [2]). As a key contribution, the monitoring of BTEX natural attenuation by bio-
chemical processes through d13C and dD isotope fractionation measurements is very promising [3]. However,
it is important to refine the link between isotopic signatures and the studied storage sites according to the
reservoir temperatures and heterogeneities (geochemical (mineral assemblage, water composition, …) and
petrophysical) and the cycling period (injection vs. withdrawal), for example, to understand why isotopic
fractionation is not recorded in the same way within various gas storage reservoirs.
To tackle these issues, researchers of two labs hosted at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (LFCR
and IPREM) and one French gas storage operator, STORENGY, have developed collaborations and obtained a
support to fund a two years Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position.
Laboratoire : Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, IPREM et LFCR
Durée: 24 mois
Début de contrat: Septembre 2024
Contact: Isabelle Le Hecho, Hervé Carrier et Anélia Petit
Validité de l'offre: jusqu’au 30 août 2024