Offre de PostDoc / IRIPREM - Caruso
Du 9 janv. au 3 mai 2024
This research study will be developed as part of the CARUSO project: "Cooperation and transfer to valorize the natural resources and thermal waters of the POCTEF A terri tory: development of cosmetic products to improve the microbiota of the skin". Faced with the challenge of promoting economic and social sustainability in rural areas through innovation, the CARUSO project aims to transfer the knowledge generated to local companies (SPAs and Cosmetic Companies), so that they can develop more innovative and sustainable Dermocosmetics that promote the revitalisation of the territory.
Laboratoire : Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, IPREM
Durée: 18mois
Début de contrat: juin-octobre 2024
Contact: Cristiana Cravo-Laureau et Hugues Preud’homme
Validité de l'offre: jusqu’au 03 mai 2024