Offre de PostDoc - HCN2PIPREM - ENSUITE
Du 2 avr. au 3 mai 2024
"Hybrid Colloidal NanoParticles for Photocatalysis”
The Bio-inspired Materials BIM group of the IPREM Institute (UMR 5254 CNRS and University of Pau & Adour), is looking for a very good, highly motivated candidate for a postdoc position opening in July 2024. The BIM group has recently worked on the conjugation between molecular organo-metallic catalysts and synthetic functional macromolecules to develop Artificial MetalloEnzymes AMEs for H2 evolution, as single polymeric nano-particles. The BIM group also worked on heterogenization of molecular organo-metallic catalysts for CO2 reduction.
Herein the ENSUITE project, we want to develop Hybrid Colloidal NanoParticles for H2 evolution and CO2 reduction by photocatalysis.
Laboratoire : Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, IPREM
Durée: 24 mois
Début de contrat: juillet 2024
Contact: Laurent BILLON
Validité de l'offre: jusqu’au 03 mai 2024