Susana De Matos FernandesAssociate Professor in Functional Bio-based Materials
- PI Chair E2S UPPA - MANTA (IPREM - Université de Pau & Pays Adour, France)
- Guest Researcher (Ångström Laboratory – Uppsala University, Sweden)
Technopole Helioparc - 2, av. Pdt P. Angot - 64 053 PAU cedex 09Valorization Marine Biomass; Marine Inspired Biomaterials; Biopolymers Chemistry; Bio-based Materials; Blue Biotechnology; Bioactive Nanocomposites; Sustainability; Oceans Environment; Human Health
susana.fernandes @ univ-pau.fr
Academic Education
2010 |
PhD in Chemistry of Polymers Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), France
2010 |
PhD in Chemistry (European Mention) University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal
2006 |
MSc in Processes of Production of Pulp and Paper Engineering University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal
2003 |
License Diploma in Paper Engineering University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal
2001-2002 |
Erasmus Student Grenoble Institute of Technology, PAGORA France |
Academic Positions
2018-on |
Associate Professor and Chair E2S UPPA – MANTA Holder Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France |
2018-on |
Guest Researcher and FORMAS Project Coordinator Uppsala University, Sweden |
2017-2018 |
Independent Researcher and ANR TREMPLIN-ERC Project Coordinator Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
2017-2018 |
Independent Researcher and FORMAS Project Coordinator Uppsala University, Sweden
2014-2017 |
Researcher and Independent Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Sweden
2012-2014 |
Assistant Researcher University of Basque Country, Spain
2010-2012 |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow University of Basque Country, Spain University of Aveiro, Portugal
2006-2010 |
PhD Fellow (European label) University of Aveiro, Portugal & Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France |
Positions in Innovation & Technology Centers, and Industry
(in Paper Science and Technology)
Set 2010 |
Assistant Researcher RAIZ - Research Institute of Forest and Paper, Portugal Activity: Consultant in coating formulations
2003-2006 |
R&D Research Fellow & Research activity for MSc University of Beira Interior & RAIZ - Research Institute of Forest and Paper, Portugal
2003 |
Paper Engineer Group Portucel/Soporcel, Portugal Activity: Recovery and Energy Department |
Fellowships, Grants and Prizes
2018-2023 |
Chaire d’Excellence Partenarial E2S UPPA – MANTA |
2017 |
Ikerbasque Research Fellow Award (Funded by Ikerbasque – Basque Foundation for Science) Spain
2017-2019 |
TREMPLIN-ERC 2016 Grant (Funded by ANR - The French National Research Agency) France
2017-2020 |
Future Research Leaders 2016 Grant(Funded by FORMAS - Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) Sweden
2014-2016 |
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (Funded by European Commission) Sweden
2013 |
Top Cited Authors for 2012-2013 (from Carbohydrate Research journal)
2010-2012 |
Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Funded by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) Portugal
2009 |
Visiting Researcher Fellowship (Funded by Peter Wallenberg’s Foundation) Sweden
2007-2010 |
Doctoral Fellowship (Funded by FCT) Portugal
2007 |
European Chitin Society Travel Award
2004-2005 |
Research Fellowship (Funded by FCT) Portugal
2003 |
Prize RAIZ 2003 - Best student in Paper Engineering 2003 (Funded by RAIZ - Research Institute of Forest and Paper) Portugal
2001-2002 |
Socrates-Erasmus European Mobility Program 2000 Grant
Initiator, Promoter and Coordinator of the Chaire d’Excellence Partenarial E2S UPPA – MANTA
Ongoing : Guest Editor for Polymers
Scientific project coordinator (ANR, France & FORMAS, Sweden)
PhD & master students supervisor and Post-doc advisor (UPV/EHU, Spain; UPPA, France and UU, Sweden)
Since 2015: PhD dissertations examinator (Opponent and Examination Committee Member)
2016: Guest Editor for Materials
Since 2014: Member of the International Scientific Committee of BiPoCo - International Conference on Bio-based Polymers and Composites
Member of the Evaluation Committee for the Best Poster Prize of BiPoCo
Since 2013: Regular evaluator of scientific papers for major international journals
Development of ‘green’ and sustainable methodologies for the extraction of biopolymers and biomolecules (isolation & purification)
Physico-chemical, mechanical & thermomechanical characterization of bio-based raw materials and processed materials including (nano)composites
Chemistry of biopolymers (namely chitin, chitosan, cellulose, starch, pullulan and collagen)
Mimic the bioactivity of living organisms to provide new functionalities to materials - often via chemical modification by crosslinking & grafting and processing of biomacromolecular-based systems, essentially carbohydrate-based and proteins (for instance barrier properties)
Sustainable nanochitin and nanocellulose biocomposites, by desinging and processing films, nanoparticles, 3D pouros structures and hydrogels for biomedical, food and food packaging applications
Biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose-based materials (membranes, particles and fibers) for biomedical applications
Thèmes de recherche
Valorization of marine resources and by-products
Blue and red biotechnologies conjugation, by aiming the development of marine-based biomaterials for regenerative, preventive and therapeutic medicine (i.e. cartilage tissue engineering)
Biomimetic approaches in tissue engineering and functional materials to improve cell culture efficiency and cell behavior
Development of sustainable (bio)materials and bio(nano)composites with low impact on aquatic environment
Study of the hierarchical structure and bioactivity of materials synthetized by marine organisms
Sciences Ouvertes, UPPA's Scientific Research podcast :
Co- or Supervior of 3 PhD Students (2012-2015, Spain; 2017-2021, Spain ; 2018-2021, France)
Supervisor of 2 Master Students (2011, Sapin; 2012, Spain ; 2019, France)
Research Advisor of 3 Postdoctoral Researchers (2015-2017, Spain ; 2017-2018, France ; 2018-2020, Sweden)
Academic & Research Advisor of 1 undergraduate student (2017)
Host of visiting students : 2 PhD students (2014 at EHU/UPV, Spain; 2015 & 2016 at KTH, Sweden, 2017 at IPREM-UPPA, France) and 1 master (2017 at IPREM-UPPA, France)
Research Mentor of 7 PhD Students and 1 Postdoctoral Researcher (since 2011 in Spain, Sweden and France)
I have been able to build research projects and attract funding to develop my own research as PI or Coordinator obtained from international and national bodies (Portugal, Sweden, France and Spain). Also, I have participated in the proposal preparation and research teams of 7 R&D projects, including 2 European projects (FP7) and 5 national granted projects. As supervisor or as co-supervisor I have been awarded 2 PhD and 1 PhD visiting scholarships.
On going projects
2018-2023 |
Chaire Partenariale E2S UPPA – MANTA (Coordinator) Funded by E2S UPPA, Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, Comité Interdépartemental des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins, Laboratoire de Biarritz and Lees for 5 years at UPPA, France |
2018-2021 |
PhD MOPGA Fellowship
 to support a PhD candidate (Co-supervisor) Co-funded by Campus France and E2S UPPA for 3 years at UPPA, France |
2017-2021 |
PhD Fellowship
 to support a PhD candidate (Co-supervisor) Funded by the Basque Country Government for 4 years at UPV/EHU, Spain
2017-2018 |
TREMPLIN-ERC 2016 (Coordinator) Funded by ANR - The French National Research Agency for 18 months at UPPA, France
2017-2020 |
Future Research Leaders 2016 (Coordinator) Funded by FORMAS - Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planningawarded for 3 years at Uppsala University, Sweden |