Lénaïc MadecChargé de Recherche
2 av. P. Angot64000 Pau - Materials chemistry, Electrochemistry, Surfaces, Interfaces, Functionalization
- lenaic.madec @ univ-pau.fr
Formation universitaire
2012 : PhD Materials chemistry - electrochemistry and physical chemistry, Université de Nantes - Thesis: Interest of molecular grafting for electrochemical energy storage
2009: Master 2 Inorganic Molecules and Materials, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Thesis: Tunnelling molecular junctions between electrode battery components
2008: Master 1 Materials Chemistry, Université de Nantes - Thesis: Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of polyoxomolybdates
2007: Bachelor Chemistry, Université François Rabelais de Tours
Expérience professionnelle
Since 2016 : Chargé de recherche, section 15 - Surfaces, interfaces and functionalization for energy storage
2015-2016 : Postdoc, Univ. Montpellier 2 (ICGM) / UPPA (IPREM) - Impact of high temperature on the interfaces of a conversion material in LIBs
2013-2015 : Postdoc, 3M / Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada - Effects of electrolyte additives on interfaces in Li-ion pouch cells
2013 : Postdoc, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel de Nantes - Electrochemical performances of semi-solid Li-based redox flow batteries
2013 : Electrochemist engineer, BatScap - Impact of molecular grafting on the cycling of LiNi0.4Mn1.6O4 and LiFePO4-C
Materials Chemistry: Surfaces, Interfaces, Molecular functionalization (covalent/non-covalent)
Electrochemistry: battery/supercapacitor cycling, impedance spectroscopy, functionalization
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, SEM-Auger, FT-IR
Thèmes de recherche
- Electrochemical energy storage : Li-ion battery, interfaces phenomena and their dynamics upon cycling, molecular functionalization.