Soutenance HDR - Germain Salvato VALLVERDUVendredi 15 mars 2024 à 13h30 - Amphi IPREM
Le 15 mars 2024 at 01:30PM

Germain Salvato VALLVERDU (IPREM)
Titre: "Molecular characterization of complex systems: A point of view from theoretical chemistry"
The molecular characterization of complex systems involves both the identification of the molecular compounds in a complex sample as well as the understanding of their interactions and physico-chemical properties that govern the behavior of the whole system. In that scope the development of joined experimental and theoretical approaches are needed, working in a synergetic way to provide new insights which cannot be revealed separately.
Since joining IPREM I have been working on the development of computational strategies for the investigation of complex systems. These systems are crucial for understanding phenomena in the context of new energies and the environment. Their complexity is integrated from the development of strategies that combines approaches on several time and space scales, from classical to quantum methodologies, and code development, both for coupling between different theoretical chemistry codes or advanced post-processing of the results. I first considered surface and interface phenomena in the context of energy storage materials, in relation with surface characterization techniques. More recently, in the scope of the international join laboratory iC2MC, I have focused my activities on the investigation of aggregation mechanisms in crude oils or bi-oils, and pyrolysis products of waste plastics.
As perspectives, my research will contribute to the development of new research field by coupling theoretical chemistry, computer science and analytical chemistry methods in strong collaboration with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry experiment. The outcomes of the project and the associated open-source developed codes will provide a new ecosystem and enable to make a step forward in the molecular characterization of complex matrices.
Composition du jury:
Dany Carlier-Larregaray (ICMCB - Bordeaux)
Romuald Poteau (LCPNO - INSA Toulouse)
Sophie Sacquin Mora (DR - IBPC - CNRS)
Marc-André DELSUC (DR, IGBMC, Strasbourg)
Isabelle Baraille (Pr, IPREM, UPPA),
Guillaume Galliero (Pr, LFCR, UPPA)