MMacGregor 12juillet2024

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8h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00
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Direction de l'unité

Directeur : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos (jean-marc.sotiro @
Directrices adjointes : Cécile Courrèges (cecile.courreges @ et Christine Lartigau-Dagron (christine.lartigau-dagron @

Directrice administrative et financière : Pascale Roch (pascale.roch @

PCM Seminar - Prof. Melanie MacGregorVendredi 12 juillet, 14h00 - Amphi IPREM

Prof. Melanie MacGregor
Flinders university, Australia

"Nano and microplastic research consortium: Bridging Science, Industry, Policy, & Community for a Cleaner Tomorrow"


Abstract : Nano and Microplastics(NMP) are a new class of emerging polluants that are not yet well regulated. While research efforts have demonstrated their negative impact on the environment, the biota and human health, they remain a challenge to study. This is particularly true for nanoplastics, for which detection and characterization techniques are still being developed. In this talk I’ll present the work of the newly established nano and microplastic research consortium launched by Flinders university in October 2023. I’ll briefly present the different NMP axis of research being investigated across the consortium in environmental, biological and chemical science. I’ll touch on the consortium long terms aims of supporting policy development as well as start ups developing innovative technologies for NMP mitigation. I’ll present our university capabilities in term of research instrument to explore potential collaborations. Lastly, I’ll present some of the work conducted by my research team, focusing on the use of plasma-based techniques to isolate nanoplastics, but also for other applications in the broad fields of green energies and medical diagnostics.

Short biography : Professor Melanie MacGregor graduated from the ENSCR in 2008 and completed a PhD in material science in 2013. She is now an ARC Future Fellow in nanotechnology at Flinders University. Her translational research focuses on understanding the interactions between nano-objects and their surroundings, for application in the biomedical, environmental and energy fields. A/Prof MacGregor's works includes industry driven projects where the nano-objects investigated are nanoplastics, conducted in close partnership with end users, clinicians, industry and academics from complimentary disciplines.

She is the leader of the newly established Nano and Microplastics Research Consortium, an initiative supported by Flinders college of science and engineering which aims to bridge Science, Industry, Policy, & Community to remediate to micro and nanoplastic pollution.

A/prof MacGregor contribution to the field of nano-science account for a total of 70 peer reviewed articles in materials science and chemistry. Since 2015, she has supervised 10 PhD, 2 honours and 8 Masters students, and secured more than $3.5M in research funding. In 2020, she became the youngest academic elected as a national board member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). Other career recognitions include being named a STEM Super Star by Science & Technology Australia for STEM outreach, and receiving the 2018 South Australian Young Tall Poppy Science Award.