PCM Seminar - Pr. Rene JanssenJeudi, 11h00 - Amphi IPREM
Le 26 oct. 2023 à 11h00
Pr. Rene Janssen
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
"Materials and device architectures towards 20% efficient organic solar cells"
René Janssen leads the interdepartmental research group Molecular Materials and Nanosystems at Eindhoven University of Technology, which is part of the departments Chemical Engineering and Chemistry as well as Applied Physics. The research objective of the group is to investigate and develop molecules, macromolecules and (nano)structured materials with tailored physical properties. The interest in these functional molecular materials and nanosystems is driven by the scientific challenge to understand the underlying mechanisms of the physical phenomena in systems of reduced dimensionality, down to the molecular level. Future applications are in organic and polymer solar cells, electrochemical cells, transistors and diodes.