Anna Bui 27janv2023




Technopôle Helioparc
2 avenue P. Angot
64053 Pau Cedex 9

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8h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00
Tél : 05 40 17 50 00
Nous écrire

Direction de l'unité

Directeur : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos
Directrices adjointes : Cécile Courrèges et Christine Lartigau-Dagron

Directrice administrative et financière : Pascale Roch

PCM Seminar - Dr Anna BuiVendredi sur TEAMS, 13h00 -

Dr Anna Bui
(Technical sales manager, Cameca)

"Introduction to Atom Probe Tomography and its applications
in energy and environmental research"

APT is an analytical microscopy technique at the sub-nanometer scale. Coupling a time-of-flight spectrometer with a position-sensitive ion impact detector, APT can produce the sample chemical maps at the quasi-atomic scale. Its excellent mass resolution, its high sensitivity to all chemical species and its excellent detection limit (a few atomic ppm) make it a complementary technique to electron microscopy or SIMS.

Initially used for the study of conductive materials, APT is now widely used for the study of semiconductors, insulating materials, such as certain oxides and rocks.

After an introduction to the technique, several application examples in Li battery, Pt catalysis and energy application will be presented.

Rejoindre le "PCM Seminar group" en visio sur Teams