Séminaires internes 2022




Technopôle Helioparc
2 avenue P. Angot
64053 Pau Cedex 9

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8h30-12h00 / 13h30-17h00
Tél : 05 40 17 50 00
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Direction de l'unité

Directeur : Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos
Directrices adjointes : Cécile Courrèges et Christine Lartigau-Dagron

Directrice administrative et financière : Pascale Roch

Vie des pôles scientifiques

Pôle Chimie Analytique, Physique et Théorique (CAPT)
Développement de nouveaux concepts, outils et méthodes d'analyse, de caractérisation et de modélisation (expérience et théorie). Lire la suite

Pôle Chimie et Microbiologie de l'Environnement (CME)
Compréhension de l’écodynamique des contaminants, microorganismes et traceurs y compris leur interface avec le vivant. Lire la suite

Pôle Physico-chimie des matériaux (PCM)
Les thèmes de recherche du Pôle "Physico-Chimie des Matériaux" concernent la synthèse et l'élaboration des matériaux, leur caractérisation physico-chimique, l'étude de leur réactivité, ainsi que la compréhension de la relation entre leur structure et leurs propriétés à plusieurs échelles. Lire la suite

Séminaires internes

2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016

codes et liens pour

rejoindre le séminaire en visio sur Teams ou
revoir sur MediaKiosque à partir du 9 octobre 2020

Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 07 janvier 2022, 13h00 - Teams

Jean-Yves Larrieu (PhD)
Titre: "« Molecular modeling for the fabrication of QSARs for organometallic compounds "

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 14 janvier 2022, 13h00 - Teams

Bahia Khalfaoui Hassani (MCF)
Titre: "Transport et biogenèse des enzymes à cuivre bactériens"

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 21 janvier 2022, 13h00 - Teams

Mayalen Zubia Arrieta (MCF à l'Université de Polynésie Française)
Titre: "Les algues marines : une diversité à conserver et à valoriser pour des enjeux de développement durable"

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 28 janvier 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Short presentationsfrom IPREM newcomers:
Ines KORBI, Alba RODRIGUEZ OTERO, Wladimir RUIZ, Joseph COME, Aleksandra IZDEBSKA, Mohammed LEMAALEM, Yuping DAI

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 04 février 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Kevin Lyere Ehiosun (PhD)
Titre: "Hydrocarbonoclactic Bacteria Isolated from Oil-polluted Soil Degrade Long-Chain Alkanes Through Biofilm Formation"

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 11 février 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Nathalie Costarramone et Valérie Desauziers (IMT)
Titre: " Emissions of volatile organic compounds from floor coverings (petrosourced, biobased or depollutant) : influence of aging and sorption properties "

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 04 mars 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Carlos Celis Cornejo (Postdoc)
Titre: "PyC2MC: A Python Based Framework for Processing Multidimensional High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry data "

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 11 mars 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Séverine Le Faucheur (Chaire E2S-UPPA-Total-Rio Tinto)
Titre: "Metal accumulation and effects on freshwater organisms"

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEJeudi 17 mars 2022, 15h00 - IPREM, S001

Pascale Louvat ( IR CNRS)
Titre: "Boron dynamics in a small volcanic watershed under tropical climate, the role of vegetation uptake."

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 18 mars 2022, 13h00 - Teams

Julie DIANI (DR, au LMS, Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau))
Titre: "Using micromechanics modeling for a better understanding of the linear viscoelasticity of polymers"

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 25 mars 2022, 13h00 - Teams

Aimilia PAPASOULI PhD student (Erasmus)
Titre: " Pillared Graphene Oxide : Theoretical investigation of structural and electronic properties."

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTJeudi 31 mars 2022, 15h00 - Amphi IPREM

Jean Marc Sotiropoulos (DR)
Titre: "OPV - Organic PhotoVoltaic : Context, Principle, Our Contribution, Progress, Demonstrator, The Future...."

Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 01 avril 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Khouloud El Hanafi (PhD student)
Titre: "First time identification of selenoneine in seabirds and its potential role in mercury detoxification"

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEMardi 05 avril 2022, 15h00 - Amphi

Marnix Medema (Associate Professor) and Zach Reitz (Post-doctorate) from the Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University

Titre: "Mining genomes and metagenomes to illuminate life’s chemistry"

Séminaires - Pôle CMEJeudi 07 avril 2022, 15h00 - Amphi / Teams

Paula Martinez Aldape (PhD)
Titre: "Prospection of Chromium contaminated sites in the view of remediation processes"

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 08 avril 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Dr. Joachim Allouche
Titre: "Nanostructured Hybrid Materials : Design, synthesis and interfaces characterization"

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 15 avril 2022, 13h00 - Teams

William Lafargue-Dit-Hauret (Post-doc, IPREM)
Titre: "Pressure tuning of magnetic and multiferroic properties in cuprates "

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTJeudi 05 mai 2022, 15h00 - Amphi IPREM

Corinne PARAT (IR)
Titre: " Les aventures du CAPTAIN AD HOC."

"Les aventures du Captain Ad Hoc se déroulent principalement au 1er étage Ouest de l'IPREM. L'équipage, composé de 9 matelots aux compétences diverses, vise à développer un capteur pour l'analyse des polluants émergents fréquemment retrouvés dans les milieux aquatiques. Au cours de ce premier volet d'une saga qui s'annonce longue et palpitante, vous découvrirez les stratégies mises en œuvre pour détecter le glyphosate, poison le plus utilisé en France et dans le monde."

Vous êtes tous conviés pour en savoir un peu plus sur cette saga!

Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 06 mai 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Diva Scuvee (PhD)
Titre: "Impact of Molybdate on Hg methylation and demethylation in a sulfate reducing bacterium"

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 13 mai 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Dr. Aurélien VITIRISI (EC at IPREM)
Titre: "Organic and inorganic materials for renewable energy applications"

Abstract : The impact of greenhouse gases on climate change has, in recent years, driven fundamental research towards the development of new materials for the production of energy and the recycling of CO2. Third-generation photovoltaics and the electroreduction of CO2 are generally viewed as the major contenders for producing energy at a competitive cost and transforming CO2 back to feedstocks. In this respect, both organic and inorganic materials have shaped the current state-of-the-art in photovoltaics and the electroreductions of CO2. This talk's aim is, therefore, to give a broad overview of both fields from an applied and fundamental perspective and to showcase my past research on organic and hybrid photovoltaics and our current and future research on the reduction and capture of CO2 as part of the Intermat chair (E2S) at IPREM.

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEJeudi 19 mai 2022, 15h15 - S001 / Teams

Rana Haidar (Post-Doc)
Titre: "Fungal-bacterial interactions in grapevine wood: consequences on plant health."

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 20 mai 2022, 11h00 - Amphi/ Teams

Dr Tom Matthews (Senior research, University of Birmingham)
Titre: "Threatened and extinct (island) birds: distribution, threats and functional diversity"

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 20 mai 2022, 13h00 - Teams

Dr. Lara Massai (Post-Doc, University of Florence (Italy))
Titre: "Strategies for biomolecular targets identification of Anticancer Gold Complexes. "

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 03 juin 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Julien Bras (MC HDR, Université de Grenoble)
Titre: "Sustainable packaging and focus on (nano)cellulose"

Abstract : Our society is looking for more and more sustainable packaging since decades and a clear evolution has been observed recently with strong commitments from food industries and NGO.
Several sustainable solutions can be proposed in packaging industry by specifying end of life and circular approach in order to answer new expectations and legisltation on single use plastics.
A short introduction of this context will be proposed before focusing especially on the use of cellulose and nanocellulose to develop high performance barrier materials for packaging industry.

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTJeudi 09 juin 2022, 15h00 - Amphi

P. Carbonniere & Yaidel TOLEDO-GONZALEZ
Titre: "The GSAM code (Global Search Algorithm of Minima exploration) to find the most stable structures of complex systems : principles and applications in molecular recognition."

The code allows to find the most energetically stable structures of atomic and molecular clusters in gas phase or adsorbed on (periodic) surface. It will be detailed the principle of the global optimization method and the capabilities of the code. Further, some applications will be presented, namely the molecular recognition of small organic molecules on multisite organocatalysts."

Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 10 juin 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Kilian Ducos (PhD)
Titre: "Iron dependency according to the lifestyle of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus"

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 17 juin 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Brice Bouyssiere
Titre: "Chaire iCMCE2 (Ryan Rodger)"

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 8 juillet 2022, 13h00 - S001/ Teams

Thierry Pigot
Titre: "Exploring volatolomes with PTR-TOF MS: new opportunities for environmental applications"

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 09 septembre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Bruno Henrique de Santana
Titre: "Application of electrospun polymeric nanofibers in sensors"

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEMardi 20 septembre 2022, 9h45 - Amphi IPREM

9h45 - 10h45
Nom : Pr. Michael S. Bank (Institute of Marine Research, Norway)
Titre: " Mercury, Climate, and Blue Foods "

10h45 - 11h45
Nom : Pr. Fernando Barbosa Junior (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Titre: " Elevated levels of Hg, Pb and Se in the Amazon riverine population: Sources of exposure, potential toxic effects and the role of dietary nutrients as effect modulators "

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 23 septembre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi/Teams

Nom : Pr Corinne NARDIN (IPREM)
Titre: "Bio-interfaces: Environmental & Human health threats sensing & Prevention".

Abstract : We are investigating soft biointerfaces, which result from the functional association of amino- and nucleic- acids with polymers to develop materials of interest for applications in various areas, i. e. in the environmental, energy and biomedical fields.
In a preventive approach, we are aiming at inhibiting bacterial surface colonization, which is relevant for several industrial segments, in particular in health and energy settings when considering biocorrosion. To develop antimicrobial and antibiofilm coatings, we are exploring the role of intrinsic material properties on initial bacterial retention1. In parallel, at the macromolecular scale, we are deciphering the role of antimicrobials, e.g. molecules, polymers and peptides, on proteins produced by bacteria to anchor to a surface and on materials surface colonization..

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 30 septembre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Nom: Pr. Ronan Le Lagadec - Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México
Titre: "Exploring the anticancer properties of cyclometalated complexes "

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTLundi 3 octobre 2022, 10h00 - Amphi / 15h00 - S001

10h00 - Amphi
Nom: Drs. Giuseppe Felice Mangiatordi, Institute of Crystallography (IC-CNR) BARI, Italy
Titre: "INSIDEL@B: A journey from Molecular Modelling to Drug Design"

15h00 - S001
Nom: Pietro Delre, Institute of Crystallography (IC-CNR) BARI, Italy
Titre: "Development and Application of Cheminformatics Approaches for Cardiotoxicity Prediction"

Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 07 octobre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Nom: Claudia Marchan Moreno (PhD)
Titre: "Influence of Se in Hg fate-Aquaculture study "

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTVendredi 14 octobre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi / Teams

Nom: Alejandro Gutierrez Quintanilla (Chaire Prof Junior)
Titre: "Dynamics, photodynamics and reactivity of organic molecular systems at low temperatures"

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 21 octobre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi/Teams

Pour faire suite à la journée des doctorants du pôle, nous organisons ici une session "Nouvels entrants".
Nous pourrons rencontrer et découvrir les sujets de thèse de :
Alexis FALGAYRAC, Karama GHAMGUI, Theo REBIERE, Angela SANCHEZ, Béatrice GALLIANO, Guillaume MAGESTE, Jilong LI, Nabil BOUZIDI, Seyed BIDOOKI, Valentina MARUZOO

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTJeudi 27 octobre 2022, 15h00 - Amphi / Teams

Nom: Professeur Shih-Yuan Liu (chaire Synthetic Chemistry)
Titre: "Developing new energy conversion platforms using boronnitrogen heterocycles"

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Séminaires - Pôle PCMVendredi 25 novembre 2022, 13h00 - Amphi/Teams

Titre: "Cyclic Polyethylene Glycol as Gold Nanoparticle Surface Ligand: Synthesis, Colloidal Stability and Unexpected Behaviour in Ethanol".

Abstract: Cyclic polymers behave different than linear polymers due to the lack of end groups and smaller coil dimensions. On the other hand, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) continue to attract attention across a wide range of fields due to their optical properties and biocompatibility. In this study, an approach to synthesize macrocyclic poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs) containing a pendant thiol group is introduced, which is demonstrated to be able to attach to gold surfaces [1]. Then, the possibility of applying synthesized cyclic PEG on inorganic gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is explored, with particular attention to how this polymer topology might affect the colloidal stability [2]. Finally, it will be shown that the use of PEG brush with cyclic topology as a stabilizer for AuNPs prevents their sedimentation, ensuring the colloidal stability in ethanol at −25 °C (as the second most important solvent after water for biological applications) for at least some months [3].

1. M. Ali Aboudzadeh et al., Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 6495-6504.
2. M. Ali Aboudzadeh et al., ACS Macro Lett. 2020, 9, 11, 1604–1610.
3. M. Ali Aboudzadeh et al., Soft Matter, 2021,17, 7792-7801.

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Séminaire - Pôle CMEVendredi 25 novembre 2022, 14h00 - Amphi / Teams

Nom : Johannes West (PhD from Stockholm University)
Titre: "Dimethylmercury and the marine mercury cycle".

Abstract: Insights from mechanistic studies on a notorious compound
In ocean waters, methylated mercury ( is similarly distributed between monomethyl and dimethyl Hg While the former has been extensively studied due to its high bioaccumulating and biomagnifying tendencies, few have studied dimethyl Hg, partly due to its infamy for being highly toxic and hard to handle Therefore, our understanding of how this species influences the monomethyl Hg abundance and human exposure to Hg through fish consumption remains poor

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEJeudi 24 novembre 2022, 14h45 - Amphi / Teams

Nom : Chun-Mao Tseng (Professor at the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)
Titre: "Using ocean fish to explore mercury pollution in the world’s oceans".

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Séminaires - Pôle CAPTLundi 28 novembre 2022, 14h45 - Amphi / Teams

Nom: Pr B. Champagne, UNamur in Belgium
Titre: "Multi-Scale Approaches for Analyzing the Nonlinear Optical responses : from Molecular Crystals to Photo-Switchable Self-Assembled Monolayers. "

Séminaires - Pôle CAPT Vendredi 02 décembre 2022, 12h00 - Teams

Nom: Simon Godin (IR UPPA TECH)
Titre: "ECOMES FTMSbio platform: Analysis Capabilities"

- Identify small molecules with confidence
- Reveal metabolites / byproducts of interest
- Environmental contaminants

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEVendredi 09 décembre 2022, 13h - Amphi / Teams

Nom : Ivan Gonzalez Alvarez (PhD student)
Titre: "Deciphering metallophores in complex microbial communities: an attempt at cross-talk between metallomics and metagenomics".

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Séminaires - Pôle CMEJeudi 15 décembre 2022, 11h00 - S001 / Teams

Nom : Pr Hideaki Nojiri
Titre: "New technologies to find and analyze the microbial interactions among the environmental bacteria".

Nom : Ass. Pr. Chiho Suzuki-Minakuchi
Titre: "Transcriptional heterogeneity of plasmid pCAR1 determines the plasmid-borne catabolic ability of the host bacteria"

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