CME Doctoral dayJeudi 10 novembre 2022, 9h00 - Amphi
Le 10 nov. 2022

Voici le programme des présentations de la journée, vous êtes tous les bienvenus dans l'amphithéâtre de l'IPREM et participer à nos discussions.
9h00-9h05 |
OPENING WORDS (Marisol Goñi / David Amouroux) |
9H05 - 9H20 (1st year; 3’ + 6’ Q & As in total)
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9h05 |
Antoine LE GOHALEN, Methylation of mercury by microorganisms |
9h09 |
Zulfatun NAIMAH, |
9h11 |
9H20 - 10H30 (2nd year; 8’ + 5’ each)
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9h20 |
Anthony FONTAINE, Dispersal and life strategies of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using otolith microchemistry and morphometry |
9h33 |
Antonio PURIEL-HERNANDEZ, Influence of oxic/anoxic oscillations on microbial community structure in oil-polluted coastal sediments |
9h46 |
Bashar HARUNA GULUMBE, Understanding microbial assemblages in coastal marine sediments for in-situ bioremediation |
9h59 |
Charles MALFAISAN, Towards phytoextraction of copper in vineyard soils |
10h12 |
Hatice TURAN, Analytical development for compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) applied to organic emerging contaminants
10h30 -11h00 |
COFFEE BREAK (Salle commune convivialité, IPREM) |
11H00 - 12H10 (2nd year; 8’ + 5’)
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11h00 |
Sarah GOURGUES, Structural dynamics of biofilms exposed to contaminants and effects on river functions |
11h13 |
Jinping XUE, Specific transformation and isotopic fractionation of mercury by model bacteria and microbial consortia |
11h26 |
Jyotsna NEPAL, Diversity of rhizospheric and endospheric microbial community in potatoes and factors affecting this diversity |
11h39 |
Ouiza MESGUIDA, Biocontrol of a pathogenic fungus, Fomitiporia mediterranea, of Esca, a devastative grapevine trunk disease, with bacteria isolated from Vitis vinifera |
11h52 |
Ismail EL MAHBOUL, Optimization of fermentation processes to improve the nutritional qualities of plant biomass for insect breeding
12H10 - 14H00 |
LUNCH BUFFET (Resto U' la Vague, UPPA campus) |
14H00 - 15H10 (3rd year and above; 12’ + 5’)
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14H00 |
Baptiste BREE, Emerging macroecological and macroevolutionary patterns of island radiation: a global assessment |
14h17 |
Aurélien PARSY, Microalgae culture for the treatment of salty industrial streams and biofuels production |
14h34 |
Maëva MARIMOUTOU, Gastropod shell as bioindicator of metallic contamination in freshwater |
14h51 |
Simon COLAS, A metabolomic approach to evaluate the effects of cobalt on river biofilms
15H10 - 15H30 |
COFFEE BREAK (Salle commune convivialité, IPREM)
15H30 - 16H40 (3rd year and above; 12’ + 5’)
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15h30 |
Ikram BAKOUR, Mercury and sulfur speciation in bacteria cells combining analytical techniques |
15h47 |
Alina KLEINDIENST, MMHg sources in coastal ecosystem: new molecular and isotopic experimental speciation approaches |
16h04 |
Khouloud EL HANAFI, Interactions between mercury and selenium in biota: new insights from speciation studies |
16h21 |
Claudia MARCHAN MORENO, Analytical development for selenium isotopic characterization in biological samples
16H40 - 16H50 |
ENDING WORDS (Marisol Goñi / David Amouroux) |