CAPT DayJeudi 24 novembre 2022, 9h00 - Amphi
Le 24 nov. 2022

Voici le programme des présentations de la journée, vous êtes tous les bienvenus dans l'amphithéâtre de l'IPREM et participer à nos discussions.
CAPT Seminar – The program
Session 1 |
Chairman: Panos Karamanis |
9h00-9h30 |
Sandra Mounicou & Panos Karamanis |
9h30-9h50 |
Luisa Ronga |
9h50-10h10 |
Matthieu Wolff |
10h10-10h30 |
Flash presentations
Camilla Kafino: Strontium Isotopes Applied as provenance Proxy for Brazilian Woods
10h30 -11h00
Session 2 |
Coffee break and posters Chairman: Germain Salvato Vallverdu |
11h00-11h20 |
Laurie Labeyrie |
11h20-11h40 |
Mohammed Lemaalem |
11h40-12h |
Christophe Peycheran |
12h-12h20 |
Fanny Claverie & Gaëlle Barbotin |
12H30 - 14H00
Session 3 |
Lunch and posters Chairman: Luisa Ronga |
14H00-14h20 |
Carlos Celis Cornejo |
14h20-14h40 |
Estelle Ricard |
14h40-15h |
Kasia Bierla |
15h-15h20 |
Flash presentations
15H20 - 16H
Session 4 |
Coffee break and posters
Chairman: Sandra Mounicou |
16h-16h20 |
Florence Pannier |
16h20-16h40 |
Chen Zhang & Danilo Hatych |
16h40-17h |
Maria Angles Subirana |
17h-17h20 |
Panagiotis Karamanis
17h30 |
Conclusion |
Posters’ titles
Alba Rodriguez Otero • Application of nano-silica particles generated from pyrolyzed rice husk for cadmium elimination from aqueous media.
Yuping Dai • Mechanism Insights into Pd(B,N)-Catalyzed Hydroalkylation of 1,3-Enynes with Ketones. A Synergy between Experiments and Theory
Asmodée Galy • Ultra-trace isotope imaging by fsLA SF-ICP-MS: a new approach for U-series dating of archaeological biominerals
Joseph Come • Analytical developments for metallodrugs monitoring in drinking water resources
Walid Lamine • A Syn Outer-Sphere Oxidative Addition: The Reaction Mechanism in Pd/Senphos-Catalyzed Carboboration of 1,3-Enynes
Mikel Bernabeu De Maria • Structural insights into the interactions of gold metallodrugs with proteins by mass spectrometry: the case of gold(I) complexes binding Thioredoxin
Yaidel Toledo González • Molecular design for catalytic activities of helical chiral oligoureas
Alex goupil • Analytical Development in order to understand the mobilisation and absorption of toxic metals by plants
Carine Arnauguilhem • Study of the impact of iodinated contrast agents on two aquatic organism (project ACTIONS)
Antonia Toska • Quantification post-synthèse par Sp-ICPMS de nanoparticules de magnétite encapsulées dans un nanocomposite hybride coeur-coquille
Matthieu Boccas • Couplage d’un LIBS-portable avec un module de récupération des particules induites par ablation laser comme méthode de micro-échantillonnage de terrain : application à l’étude de pigments de cinabre et à la datation de carbonates secondaires par les séries de l’uranium
Aleksandra Izdebska • Analytical approaches to study metabolism of different arsenic forms in Tilia cordata Mill